Sars has a fat cat? remembering the roomba stories. Laughing.
OK, so yeah, I've been flipping between PBS and network. And I'm kinda cranky. Not reasonably, but... "A Killer Revealed" and "An Anatomy of a Rampage"? I mean...ok, here's the thing. They were mostly (between flipping madly) about the survivors and elegies to the dead. So why the fuck were the titles about the fuckhead? That irks me., Cause as far as I'm concerned, beyond trial (which isn't possible,) the concern ought to be to the living who need to deal. I'm incredibly biased (being alive and all) but I really don't get the obsession with murderers over the pain of the living. And I watched the Frontline specials on Columbine and other ick YEARS LATER. Hell, I even get wanting to find out WHY. But the juxtaposition of the media titles with content just seemed so masturbatory. "Ooooh, let us tell you about the psycho but really we'll tell you something else." It's just mean.
OJ good. I have to stick to the low acid cartoned stuff, but mmmm.