Mandalit del Barco, Lakshmi Singh, Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, Snigdha Prakash. I love how they say their names, but seeing them written out is weird.
Ditto. Other than the first one, I didn't recognize them until I said them out loud. It's weird how much Bob Edwards' or Michelle (or is it Nichelle?) Norris' voices are burned into my brain.
Plei, Raq, others? Is there a good source for baby accessories in black, instead of cupcakes and rainbows? Coworker keeps getting looked at funny by shop people.
(Today, it was some sort of support thing that goes around your waist to relieve some of the strain of holding the baby? )
An article in the 1900
Ladies Home Journal
predicting the way the world might be in the year 2000. Fascinating to see what they got correct, and what they... didn't. What was with the 1900 obsession with pneumatic tubes anyway?
What was with the 1900 obsession with pneumatic tubes anyway?
They knew the internet was coming.
Huh. The article predicted television and "wireless telephones." I think that's the earliest prediction I've seen for either.
Seriously, it was the Internet of its age. There were pneumatic tube delivery systems in many major businesses. Up until a few years ago, Shreve Crump & Lowe's Boston store still had tubes from the registers to the stockroom, and when you ordered something, the saleswoman would fill out a slip and send it off.
with all the tubes over the place....
(Today, it was some sort of support thing that goes around your waist to relieve some of the strain of holding the baby? )
I've only seen this in a sort of (white person) flesh tone, but it doens normally go under everything else, I think.
My dream home has pneumatic tubes.
Think Brazil with all the tubes over the place....
I loved that part of Brazil. I would have loved to work in an office with pneumatic tube delivery of interoffice mail....
Our local hospital has pneumatic tubes even in the newer sections.