msbelle's the one that told me about TT after she found out I liked Buffy. I met her through her brother. Since I was in full lurker mode at the time, I'm sure I would never have gone to the first NY F2F if she hadn't been willing to go too.
Did you know msbelle's brother face-to-face, or online?
I'm disturbed that each report about the Virginia Tech shootings mentione that the shooter was a legal resident (but not a citizen).
Well obviously a
wouldn't have caused this kind of harm. I mean, come on. It's only them furriners that will kill and harm Amurrican Cit'zens.
Oh. Wait.
(Edited to say that the eyerolling was with you, not at you.)
I agree Kat, but it think it has a lot to do with having so little information. They give the info they do know.
Talk in Utah has already turned to "If those students had been carrying guns, they could have saved themselves! A professor could have shot the guy!" I try not to let my neighbors nauseate me.
I'm disturbed that each report about the Virginia Tech shootings mentione that the shooter was a legal resident (but not a citizen).
And his permanent residence was the suburb where I live. Ditto at least one of the victims.
Did we mention here that SF Author Michael Bishop's son Jaime was one of the teachers killed?
Did you know msbelle's brother face-to-face, or online?
Face-to-face. And by face-to-face, I don't mean porn--even though we did live together.
Jaime Bishop was at UNC until 2005; the local paper had a big piece on him. Sounds like a wonderful guy.
We spent a lot of time with the Bishops when he was a kid. Fuck.