Like maybe they'll suffer a whole bunch of negative publicity, forcing them back under the rock they crawled out from.
Those two things have never connected for them before, so I don't see why they'd care now.
Or maybe they'll be beaten up by an angry mob.
That may be the more satisfying likely option.
Like maybe they'll suffer a whole bunch of negative publicity, forcing them back under the rock they crawled out from.
It's not like they've gotten anything other than negative publicity for picketing the funerals of dead service people. I don't think there's anything that will stop them, sadly.
Those two things have never connected for them before, so I don't see why they'd care now.
I'm thinking they might get a whole big bunch more negative publicity than they have previously. Leading to death threats and destruction of property and boycotts of places of business and such.
Yeah, I don't think it's likely, but I can dream....
I don't think there's anything that will stop them, sadly.
Some hard pipe hittin' men with pliers and blowtorches?
I want to say I'm shocked that Phelps is doing that, but I'm not. It's just like that sicko to try and take attention away from the grieving familes and shine it on himself.
Hopefully this will be a situation where the Patriot Guard Riders will be there and also other groups will come out to support the VTech families.
the Patriot Guard Riders
Do they ride Icelandic ponies? I'm imagining Phelps getting trampled underfoot by a really cute shaggy pony.
Hopefully this will be a situation where the Patriot Guard Riders will be there and also other groups will come out to support the VTech families.
I was thinking that some of the student groups might come out. Patriot Guard Riders was the group I was trying to think of.
Can't police or the like sometimes limit the areas where people can protest in order to protect public safety?
Oh, man. Fred Phelps and his ass-monkeys are planning to picket at the funerals of the people killed at Virgina Tech. I am not making this up, but I sure wish I were.
Well, the funeral is in southern virginia, where many people have guns for hunting and recreational purposes (no judgment!). They will be looking to punish someone. Perhaps God has decided that it will be Phelps.
Holy cow, season one of WKRP is finally coming out on DVD!!: [link]
I wonder how they've resolved all those music rights issues.