I am home feeling vaguely crappy. I'd have gone in except Eve has a fever. I gave her Motrin and now she's all peppy. And I wanted to get some rest! This is why medicine is bad. On the plus side, TV is good.
I'll be damned if V. Tech had two completely unrelated shooting incidents in one day, which still seems to be a possibility. Sadly, I think "domestic" shootings at colleges are pretty common - there have been 2 that I know of in NC in the past few years. I can see how they never imagined there would be a mass killing spree later (even if they were connected).
Ooh, Venture Brothers season 2 is out today. Neat.
I'll be damned if V. Tech had two completely unrelated shooting incidents in one day, which still seems to be a possibility.
I could see two (or more) different people acting under one plan.
The real question may be whether the recent bomb threats are also connected.
t sneaking back into thread
So, I'm supposed to be teaching now, but the students (not me!) are on a strike. So I lucked out on a couple of hours when I'm in this strange not-teaching position. I feel obligated to waste them with fun. Or, well, at least part of them, because I'm so behind in my work. But still, obligation for wasting, right? I mean, a strike and solidarity and all that, right?
[Edit: 2+7=9+0. Clearly this means that I've made the right choice.]
University students can strike? This would have made my college years a tad more interesting.
University students can strike?
Oh, yeah. They protest the raising of the tuition fees, in contrast with past promises of keeping them constant if not lowering them. Some of them even try to walk around the gates of the university and shout at people who insist on getting inside (because they work there or want to use the libraries or whatever).
And this strike, for the record, has nothing to do with the teachers' strike (protesting the really horrible conditions and salaries they're getting), the post-office workers' strike (protesting a current change in the structure of their workplace which will end up in several of them losing their jobs), or the general all-you-can-get strike we had just before Passover (protesting the really horrible way several city-workers of several cities went without any of their salaries being paid for months). We are quite the multiple-striking little country, these days.
This would have made my college years a tad more interesting
You mean you couldn't go on a strike? At all, under any circumstances?
Allyson, your garden (and neighbors) sound lovely.
I did NOT wake up at 3:45. This is good.
You mean you couldn't go on a strike? At all, under any circumstances?
Not without expecting expulsion. We've a VERY different educational system here, obviously. Think more "binge drinking" and less "social consciense."
I think this might just be a language thing. College students have sit-ins and other kinds of protests here, all the time. A sit-in is kin to a strike, I think.