Hippo birdies, ND and CV!
Glad I took today off from work. It sounds like the apocalypse out there with the gale force winds and the rain. This is not going to be a fun day for the marathon runners (hopefully it will keep the rubbernecking fans at bay).
So, how many rain outs does it take to cancel a baseball season?
Happy Birthdays, ND and CV!
Happy Birthday, ND!
Happy Birthday, CV!
::sends NY and Boston rubber rafts::
I hope people who saw the OC S2 finale have seen this SNL short from this weekend: [link]
So I woke up at 3:45 and slept (if it can be called that) fitfully until around 6. At which point I fell soundly asleep. The alarm went off at quarter to 7. I'm not tired, just cranky about having my sleep interrupted.
Walking in to work, I had to lean into the wind for forward progress. I don't envy Boston's marathoners. Well, I never do, but even less so today.
The rain's not that bad (well at times it is), but the wind is just one constant howl. Very ominous. Also, the power flickered for a second a while back. Really DON'T want to deal with it if it goes out.
How to make a bacon costume: [link]
I haven't clicked the link, but nothing says, "Eat me," like a bacon costume.
but nothing says, "Eat me," like a bacon costume.
The woman who wore the costume was later given a button that depicted bacon, with the message "Eat Me!" on it.