You can also use the icetrays method to freeze the stock, and then put them in the ziplocs. Unless you're me, and you have no more room in your freezer. Then you need to just eat your damned food.
On ATK today, they had a tip about freezing leftover stock in muffin tins, and then tossing the frozen chunks into a ziplock bag. Genius! (Because I've done the ice tray thing, and the cubes just seem too small to be useful. But a muffin tin is just right!)
Any word on Scola's flight?
If necessary, I could clean (instead of doing taxes, resume, and a light plot) and host a Drive evening.
At the very least, Kat, the stuff on this site seemed targeted to accommodate the needs of the NICU, so hopefully not that long. I think they fasten differently from normal onesies for that reason.
I asked the nurse today and she said once the PICC line comes out. I'm not sure when that will be, but there you go. We also learned when Grace reaches 1300 grams we'll be able to hold her, kangaroo-care style. Noah? NSM because of his ventilator.
Is it wrong that I love ordering photos off flickr and having them sent to Target? Best Thing Ever.
Do you know if Noah will graduate to a different vent, or is it until he is DIY? Or DIH. However that works.
I didn't know you could do that with flickr pics! Huh. Cool. And something I'll hopefully recall past today.
Once the laundry is done, I'll start making black bean glop (starts as a thick soup, then slowly thickens until it is burrito thick.) Waiting until I've put away the laundry because it involves onions, there were no prechopped ones at the store, which means not only onion hands, but a likelihood of tearing blindness. It's really bad that I like onion so much, but I really don't tolerate chopping them.
WHY do I always end up timing laundry so I end up missing 5 minutes of TAL? I deliberately tried not to but apparently, my math sucks.
I didn't know the flickr thing either. That could be dangerous.
The last load of laundry I could do before I ran out of quarters is in the dryer. Almost all of the clean clothes are still on my bed, but arranged so that I can still take a nap before I put them away. (not that I would do that, of course). I got my federal taxes done, and had started on the state taxes before Perkins decided to sit on my paperwork, thus mandating that it was lunch break time.
My doing taxes involved fending off both cats. MK wants to sit in front of me (on the papers) for attention, Devi wanted to attack the writing implements.
On ATK today, they had a tip about freezing leftover stock in muffin tins, and then tossing the frozen chunks into a ziplock bag. Genius! (Because I've done the ice tray thing, and the cubes just seem too small to be useful. But a muffin tin is just right!)
Also genius! Now you guys tell me what to have for lunch. I didn't make it to work because the weather was just too awful.
Perkins wants to do both.
Taxes were finished yesterday. by the pro. Oddly we are getting almost the same amount of money back from both the federal and state taxes. By the way, selling old baby bell stocks that were inherited - adds major complications ( and it wasn't that much money in the first place)