Oooh, a redhead. Awesome. Yes, pictures!
I'm watching Nicole Kidman gleefully chew the scenery as Moulin Rouge's redhead now, and I have to admit, I love this movie. Even on AMC, with commercials. Ewan McGregor is the biggest reason, though. He's one of those actors like Michael Caine, I think, who's going to work forever, and takes all kinds of roles, but is, you know, much better eye candy.
oo, ita, I want to see it!
Oooh, new hair!
I have new nails. But that's boring. I also have hair dye (maybe tomorrow) but that's also boring. All I really have to do tomorrow is laundry. And endure the nor'easter.
Okay, FINE.
Burgundy sheen. And not a little scalp, either.
How long does it take before the colour stops leaking onto stuff? I have to admit, after asking all that advice I couldn't find the suggested stuff so I went with Garnier something something.
Yay pictures!
Except now my world is just slightly askew, because you're not a blond.
because you're not a blond.
Ahem. I liked to think of myself as a blonde, for the record.
I doubt this will last more than a month or so, not least of all because I have my bleaching stuff in the cupboard and no more of the redding.
It looks good! It makes your coloring look different, somehow.
You know, I typed blonde, but then firefox told me it was spelled wrong, so I changed it.
Oh well.
Oh, I like that.
Also, blonde is correct, when it's a noun. But if you're talking about your blond hair, you can leave off the "e".
Oh, pretty. My word, you look 12 years old in that second photo. Good genes, woman. Good genes.
What kind of stuff is it leaking onto? Once it has dried, I only ever have a problem after my shower the next couple of mornings -- and then it's just getting on my towel, so I use a dark towel, or an old crappy one I don't care about.