Also, I've lived with conures, which are small parrots, and even these tiny pirds would try to chest-up and intimidate any humans that came near them. It didn't matter that you were twenty times their size. They'd just give you a look like "Mammal, please...."
For some strange reason this makes me want to train a parrot to say "Eat a fucking muffin, whitey!"
t /random Friday weirdness
I just had my way to lunch blocked by Dick Cheney coming out of American Girl place in Chicago. He ruins everything.
Oh sure,
motorcade doesn't crash.
Ha! There were blueberry bagels in our conference room the other day. I have to really watch myself to not say that out loud every time that happens.
I just had my way to lunch blocked by Dick Cheney coming out of American Girl place in Chicago.
Oh god, the face of evil is
Woohoo. I made myself get on the treadmill.
Now I am tired and sweaty. Why did I make myself get on the treadmill?
Ha! There were blueberry bagels in our conference room the other day. I have to really watch myself to not say that out loud every time that happens.
Yep, I feel the same way at our Friday floor breakfasts when someone's grab-bagged bagels and a chocolate chip bagel (ewwwwww!) gets in the mix. Inevitably, someone snags it like they've just scored bigtime.
Why did I make myself get on the treadmill?
Because I ate french fries for lunch.
Oh god, the face of evil is here?
He's on his way to the airport, I believe. He gave a speech at the Ritz across the street from my office this morning. Ew. I've been surrounded by his presence all morning.
Middle East Cafe, most likely (TT the Bear's or, RIP, Nightstage would be too small, and I'm not sure if, RIP, Man Ray ever had bands on any regular basis).
I don't think Middle East was around when I was in school. Or maybe only at the very end. It wasn't TT's and I don't remember the other places. I want to say it was on the water...but now I'm wondering if I'm confusing it with a place in SF! Dag! I'm forgetting my past!
I've been told by New Yorkers that blueberries are NOT for bagels.
I'm a bagel heretic, apparently, because that's my favorite kind.
I hope Darth Cheney doesn't swing this way on his evil bat-wings on his way out of the Midwest.