riding a dirt bike on the sidewalk
On a people are stupid note:
In Pasadena last week or the week before (can't remember) we were driving towards the hospital on a major road and a grown woman was on a vespa. On the sidewalk. She almost lost control of the Vespa, forcing it and her out into the intersection, when she stopped to hit the crosswalk light.
Um, honey, vespa's require a motorcycle license. WTF? WHY ARE YOU NOT ON THE STREET WITH THE REST OF THE MOTORIZED VEHICLES! Sidewalks = for pedestrians not scooters.
It's one of those stories where I wonder if there is something missing. It just sounds too insane to be true. How could a school not be prepared to handle a kindergarten tantrum?
So...would a semi-permanent burgundy dye likely show nothing at all in my hair?
Do you mean over the bleached parts? Cause that will definitely pick up the burgundy. Or over your natural color? Cause that will pick up far far less.
I want to cut off the bleached parts--I've seen how they pick up burgundy before. It's looks pretty silly. And watery pink.
If the natural brown picks it up far far less...well, I guess I have less of a problem with that than a semi-permanent that wears out and leaves even more faded pink in its wake.
I like blonde. Doesn't fade. But I want to play around. Feeling a distinct lack of commitment to much else, though.
Anyone heard of the Cotard Delusion? That's when someone believes they have died. They might also believe their body is decaying.
Dinosaurs discuss: [link]
I'll see your surgical tape and raise you surgical staples. Hubby's doctor blithely told me, "I'll give you a tool, and you can take them out for him at home." I think the fuck NOT, doc! I couldn't bear to look at them, no way was I going to wield a staple remover and take them to my Hubby's flesh.
I have skipped madly ahead and will go back and catch up, but I had to tell this: My ex once refused to go back to the doctor to have nine stitches removed from his scalp. He was going to take them out himself. His
The top of his head. So I made him sit down, and I took them out. With fingernail clippers.
Back to work.
Gronklies. I had to give up on the hockey watch'n'post to go to bed, and I see it was a wise choice (go Canucks!).
I mostly agree with Maria's assessment of the new NHL rules. I grew up watching the Alaska Gold Kings, and fighting was an integral part of the game. I don't like pointless fighting, but there are times when ya just gotta drop the gloves.
There's a reason why I love hockey and football and rugby. Contact sports are fun.
(Speaking of, I've removed stitches from ruggers before. After a couple of beers. Whee.)
ita, I hope you feel better this morning.
New tagline in honor of hockey.
So I pointed out to my brother that there are more plush diseases than there were last I looked ( [link] ) and he informed me that one of the pharma companies they use has been giving one or another of them free with any purchase over $300. Heh.