Bwah. I'm amused at how fast they're closing it out. They all want to go home.
That promo they keep showing of McCarty reminds me I need to go make up my McCarty lj icon. I meant to break it out for the tenth anniversary of his Claude Lemieux, er, event.
Anyway, was fun. Good night all.
D'ya'll hear "That was a rusty skate boot to the testicles for Dallas."?
No. I think Liese and I were watching it on VS, and I'm sure it's blacked out in your area so the local carrier can make its money.
Are you not going to watch any more games?
Liese, hee! I'm impressed you can type.
I dunno. I might,.
Mavericks are doing fairly well, and I like basketball. But I do like the physicality of hockey. I think I mostly just miss football.
But yeah, if there's another game on some night, I'll watch with y'all.
Before I go to bed
1) My last drink tasted like a childrens' asprin.
2) I'm easy when it comes to bloody sports.
Yay! I enjoyed the watch and post with the both of you.
Hockey's it for me. I'm not a pro basketball fan, I tolerate baseball, and I'll actively watch football, but any level of hockey is first in my heart. The rest of them are just time-fillers until the preseason.
Now, I am going to try and sneak into bed without waking DH. 'Night, all.
t Do I still remember how this is done?
Um, so, it's a post-and-run, and it's too late for one and too early for another, but that's the only computer time I'm going to have from now to Sunday, so. Anyway, the Buffista Calendar tells me that I've missed Cashmere's Owen birthday by a day (it was yesterday), and am too early to PMM's Lillian birthday by a day (it's tomorrow). But they and their mommies definitely deserve all the possible wishes, and time should not stop me from doing that, so there!
t /Oh, yeah, I still remember how it's done. Now, if anybody invents a time machine to deal with the birthdays schedules, can you squeeze in some posting-time for me, as well? I miss that
Nilly, I've missed reading your fonts. How was your holiday?
Daisy, Liese, and Maria, I loved reading your hockey talk. I remember when Boston used to have a hockey team.
Heya, Nilly!
Crazy hockey watch-n-posters.
The first few weeks at a new job are the absolute worst. I hate that feeling of, "I suck and they were just blind to it and they'll find out I suck and fire me and then everything goes to shit and and and..."
So true. Ugh.
It is almost impossible to express how much I don't want to go to work today. Bleh.