I think I'd suddenly develop a motion sickness or flight anxiety condition, take a faux-sleeping pill, plug in the earphones and feign sleep the entire way. Good lord.
Seriously. Of course, I also would have changed my seat when I checked in.... Ah well.
I absolutely cannot wait until this weekend. I want to sleep and sleep! My trip was relaxing and lovely, but sleeping on the top bunk does not make for awesome long sleeps.
Or you could just vomit on your boss. That might shut her up.
Oh lord, that would be worse. For me. I hate puking!
no closure. AHHHHHRG. And the reactions to the pregnancy news were fabulous. As an aside: I love that relationship. They are so complimentary. Another person less Tami would kill him, frankly.
Joining you guys in the love. Though I will say the one thing
Tami's not thinking about is that college coaching is waaaaay less stable than HS. He could probably get a committment now that he's gone to state. In college, if he's saddled with a quarterback that's less than stellar, he could be gone within the year. Though accepting and then turning down that job could sour colleges on him.
Tyra got out of the car to talk to Lyla, I believe my exact word were, "This is going to be awesome."
How much do I love Landry? Enough to take up the rest of this post with whitefont and make non-FNLers wonder. I adore that he thought Crucifictorious would woo Tyra. I love that he picked up Mrs. Saracen. I love that he wouldn't let Tyra bully him into not picking up Lyla. And I love love love, that he was, despite turning off the radio, bobbing his head to Lady Marmalade.
That scene when Coach T
walks into the locker room and Street is giving the team that lecture? That was great. So great.
It was too much and not enough.
Yes! And though
the slow clap is so cliche. I was clapping along with them.
Screw you show! Don't abandon me!
My choices of distraction now are Criminal Minds, Crossing Jordan or Auschwitz. Considering all fill me with dread, I think I'll go find a book....
You forgot The Next Pussycat Doll! That's what Mr. Jane and I watch so we can have fluff after the emotional rollercoaster.
Also, Mr. Jane
wants to save the show. He's always a little late with these things. I told him it only ever ends in tears. And yet, I kinda want to pat him on the head.
Welcome to fandom Mr. Jane.
It's hailing, lightening and thundering outside. The entry door to the garage is open but I'm not about to go out there and close it. As long as the big door is shut, I'm sure it's fine.
I wish I had Cash's weather. I mean, I like my windshield as much as the next, but I really ADORE dramatic thunderstorms.