I am behind in work and unmotivated. SHOCKING!
I am supposed to be doing work AND documentig how to do it STEP BY STEP at the same time. I am ending up with lots of questions for clarification which means I have been guessing a lot in what I do day to day - ooops.
Also, one of my people gave notice yesterday while I was out. Can't blame him, but seriously... ugh. There is no immediate plan to replace him either which I find so annoying.
There is no immediate plan to replace him either which I find so annoying.
Because that's such a brilliant plan when everyone is overworked and people are leaving because of that. Sheesh.
Today is so weird.
Good luck, juliana!
I'm still waiting to hear back from UofI if I got into their library school (sometime this week, I'm hoping!), but in the meantime, I decided to google the online version of the program that I applied for to see if I could find any non-official reviews of the program. There are some articles out there, and they're starting to freak me out about this summer's Library Boot Camp. Apparently, the unofficial name for the 10-day on-campus orientation is very appropriate: "Boot Camp lives up to its name of being grueling, but I managed a full night's sleep and an hour to walk each day, despite a dozen class sessions, technical training, two papers and a final exam." Eeek! (But do-able, it sounds like.)
Although there could be epic destruction if it involved clicky fire sticks, I'm thinking.
Pffft. Where's your sense of adventure?
I think me and the clicky fire sticks should visit msbelle's office when no one is there.
That means I can go home, right?
There is probably something productive I should be doing.
I think me and the clicky fire sticks should visit msbelle's office when no one is there.
Now there's an idea.
Library Boot Camp! Something about this just tickles me, although I bet it's less ... ticklish when you're actually there. Still, all kinds of acceptance~ma for you, Kathy!
Also, one of my people gave notice yesterday while I was out. Can't blame him, but seriously... ugh. There is no immediate plan to replace him either which I find so annoying.
That is terrible.
I can't actually go home yet. Stupid work. Stupid my-lack-of-planning-well-enough. Stupid everything.
I went to take a drug test. Exciting. It's been a while since people jumped through that many hoops to assume I was a criminal.
Good luck juliana and Kathy!
Today is so weird.
I concur.