It'd be a tossup between cell and DVR. Those are both useful, and I hate working around them.
I dislike emptying the dishwasher (it's had clean stuff in it a day or two so far) as much as I dislike emptying the drainer. Okay, more, because more stuff fits in it. I don't mind washing, mostly.
I'll just note, ita, that you live alone and don't seem to eat much. Not so many dishes, I bet.
I couldn't choose between the three.
I have a DVR and a cell phone. Never missed not having a dishwasher.
She does bake, though. Which creates dishes. I think the quantity of sippy cups & their valves alone is enough to make me insane with dishes. And I have a dishwasher.
I wish I had a dishwasher, but wouldn't trade for it. See above re: single, not really that many dishes, really.
If I did not have a dishwasher, I would never cook. It's bad enough that there are things too bulky or too likely to melt (stupid tupperware lids) that I have to wash by hand once a week.
I love my TiVo, and consider a cell phone a necessary evil, which became slightly less evil once I figured out how to check my e-mail with my cell phone.
I've been praying for death ever since I woke up. Since I'm at work and it's not very likely that I'll be hit by a bus, I think I shall change to praying for a nap.
Fuck. I have a ton of stuff to do and no desire or brainpower to do it. I can't decide if I should have stayed home after all.
you live alone and don't seem to eat much. Not so many dishes, I bet.
Nah, I'm just Jamaican. My parents have a dishwasher they only rarely run, cell phones they never put down, and if they could ever make the cognitive leap to a DVR would own more than one.
Even when I didn't live alone (house of at least three adults, no shared food prep) I had periods of weeks where I'd do all the dishes by hand even though we had a dishwasher.
And I had periods of weeks where I'd only do my own and never run or empty the dishwasher, and they were so lazy they'd take a dish out, use it, put it back in with the clean stuff and run the dishwasher all over again.
TiVo and the cell phone allow me to be freer leaving the house. If I had kids and kids-related dishes, though, I don't suppose I'd ever leave the house if I had to do them by hand.
I have a dishwasher! But I don't use it. I don't have any of those other things.