The meat is killing me. It's making me starving, even though I need not be (and I just ate a salad to stave it off.) It does look like it will be done a little sooner than planned (I went boneless on the thighs and pork cause that was all the store had.)
Devi must think it smells good too. She's sprawled in front of the stove, which is unusual, both in position (normally she's on alert for a mouse invader) and in that she doesn't eat people food.
Brunch -- food - mimosas. sunny backyard....not quite at nappage, but I am guessing Dh takes one soon.
I seem to have taken an accidental nap. Maybe I stole Matt's.
Falling off the bone, melt in your mouth chicken. Pork is a little more well done than I usually do (I toy with food poisoning) but still delicious. I'd eat more but I'm just shy of too full now.
I want to go eat at Sarameg's house.
You'd also have to deal with cold and blustery, unfortunately. It actually snowed on me driving out to IKEA. No accum, but still.
Sounds like a fairish deal to me.
I got a new lamp yesterday, and I lurrrve it. [link]
40DD, here. I just look for a bra that's comfortable and doesn't poke me or cut off my circulation.
32DD, more pretty than functional - how about this?