Bad News: due to tummy and head aches I didn't eat lunch until I was so hungry that I felt like I would die but no food was appealing
Good News: my delivery place has a bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, grilled chicken club. that might be the most temting sammich I ever heard of. indulged and did not get my usual salad
Bad/Good News: turns out it came with fries. num num num
GC, my teeth were effectively papier maché for
Sometimes biology sucks like that. They're much better now, if that's any consolation. And not because they've been filled from every angle.
Yeah, my thought on hearing the bullet's trajectory was "Those .22s are such a crapshoot." But that was after I knew she'd survived--it's a relief to hear that she won't be dealing with any brain injuries, because that was what I'd been thinking.
I think life must look very different to you after you've had your throat slit, and very different after your daughter has. Sadly, I don't think the criminal's lives are changed as much by that act--but let's hope they get severely inconvenienced as a result.
Trudy, that sandwich sounds DELICIOUS. I wish I could order one right now.
Raq, the story just freaks me the hell out. I'm glad the girls are going to be ok. I feel awful for the parents, too.
Raq, I'm so glad to hear about those women, and I'm hoping they get the time they need to heal.
GC, I sympathize on the cavities. I had to have 4 root canals when I was 15, and I had excellent oral hygiene. Biology just sucks like that sometimes.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one whose mind goes to technicalities when confronted with the gruesome.
I've got all this new gun knowledge flittering around my head looking for a home, and it's being quite intrusive at times.
OK, when feeling something odd and krinkly in one's shirt pocket, then reaching in and discovering that it's a piece of popcorn from this morning, a well-bred lady would probably not go, "Hey, a snack!" and pop it in her mouth.
Well, maybe if its square and white and looks like a tooth but isn't a tooth...
I don't know from well-bred, but popcorn in a shirt pocket is fair game. It's not like you don't know where it's been.