Cash, do you really have to get the meeting in before the end of school? Surely some of the adminstrative type people will be around over the summer.
It sounded to me like they pack it in for the summer. I think I'll at least get in to meet with them before the end of the year, but I'm not sure about the testing. I'm trying not to stress about it too much. They may be able to recommend summer programs that I can find for him.
It's a perfect moment around here, actually. BOTH kids are napping at the EXACT same time (that never happens anymore). And it's nice and quiet and cool, with all the windows open and a cool breeze through the house.
The things people think are sexy never cease to amaze me. "Hey, honey, let me shove this up your ass, it'll be fun." And then someone said yes. Often enough for the practice to get its own name other than "What the fuck do you think you're doing!"
"You shove a living snake up his ass!"
"Ooo, creative."
Roman Monday Morning Marketing Brainstorming Meeting...
ION - I am having trouble sorting through mole troubles and the-trouble-with-figs. Slow. Monday. Brain...
The sticking stuff in holes practice that surprised me the most (and I'm including my newfound figging knowledge) was the dilator stuff. I never think of the
urethra as a viable pleasure orifice,
and the
whole tuning fork aspect
...well, I'm still shivering. It's weird.
On The Wire, "figgy pudding" stood in for education money once.
Still not ready to contemplate fig-related perversity.
So glad I was behind enough to have missed whatever conversation came before.
Two things
1) CASS! I got your postcard. Mr. Jane gave it to me on Saturday! Thank you so much for thinking of me.
2) Dallas has just become cooler by and infinate degree as we now have Laura within city limits.
We won't go until we get some!
We won't go until we get some!
We won't go until we get some!
So bring it RIGHT HERE!!!!
Everytime I see "figgy pudding," I think of the John Denver and the Muppets version of that song, when Miss Piggy hears "figgy pudding" and thinks it's "piggy pudding."
MP: "Piggy pudding?!?"
Gonzo: "No, figgy pudding. It's made with figs."
MP: "Oh. Sorry!"
Gonzo (under his breath): "And bacon."
MP: "What?"
So glad I was behind enough to have missed whatever conversation came before.
Yeah, same here. I skimmed, and I don't think I want to go back and read more closely.
Could everyone please send
Call with the plan details!
~ma my way? I'm waiting for the field marketing rep to call me and let me know what time I need to meet up with her at the MCR concert TODAY. (Today! Eep eeeep eeeeeep!)
... I suppose I could distract myself by going and doing my makeup.