Yay for non-threatening pain and increased range of motion and raises! Good day for Bitches.
The 16 year old has decide to test me...only three days in...blergh. Everything has been going great guns, or so I thought.
Tonight he calls on the way home from school to ask if he can do something that had been clearly established as a no last week in front of his father. Now? I'm getting the tight-assed bitch treatment and am not loving it. Also? Taking too long to get home.
A couple of weeks ago, we had a come to jesus talk. Tonight? All mighty hellfire...or at least some very stern words.
A tiny voice in my head is screaming why did he have to go and ruin it?!
I can deal, but I don't want to.
Hooray raise for Suzi! Woo!
And hooray inflamation! No, wait, that's not right. But better than the alternative, so, whew. Yes, that's what I meant, whew, just inflammation.
Aw, Kristin, what a glowing review!
Now, these Hamburger Helper Microwave Singles - do you still have to add hamburger or are they ready to go?
Now, these Hamburger Helper Microwave Singles - do you still have to add hamburger or are they ready to go?
They're ready to go. The amount of meat (at least in the Cheeseburger Mac one) is small, but there is definitely meat.
Interesting. Too bad I got back from the store before I knew about them.
It looks like we're not getting the house for rent because the old owner can't seem to get in touch with the new owner to get him to agree to our terms. It looks like we're likely going to take our second choice, aka the apartment I kind of don't want to live in. TCG and I just had a fight, which is rare for us. I'll be hiding in the comfy corner.
Oh, sorry to hear all of that, SJ.
ita, have you tried Ultram. It's very lovely.
That's Tramadol, right? My cohort was prescribed some after a car accident, and he's still mortally embarrassed about how he behaved while on it. The lovely part is that what he did is completely unremarkable behaviour, for say, normal people, but there you go. He's only ever had the one pill. If only taking his medication weren't illegal...
{{sj}} I'm sorry, hon. Any chance of taking another quick look around and finding something you both like?
{{sj}} I'm sorry, hon. Any chance of taking another quick look around and finding something you both like?
Doubtful. I think the real estate guy we have been working with has pretty much had it with us. I'm going to ask him if he thinks there is anything else new that is worth our interest before we sign on the other one and see what he says. I'm difficult because of the first floor and because I want to be in a nicer neighborhood in a clean apartment.
{{sj}} I'm sorry that finding a place to live has been so difficult. I'm also annoyed that you don't get the place you want because people are dorks. If you're going to be denied, it should at least be for a good reason.
Thanks, -t. It's just confirming my "All people that aren't buffistas, suck" suspicions.