And I got to see my husband get as close to Squee! as I think I'm ever going to see him.
This is so exciting connie. Yeah!!!! I'm so that that he has improved movement, and hope he has less pain in the long run.
Does anyone know anyone who has had one of those implanted pain blocker devices, that uses electrical impulses to interfere with pain impulses in the nerves? Hubby's pain specialist has mentioned them, and I'm a little twitchy.
My uncle had something like this, but it was temporary, so I'm not sure if it was actually implanted or not. He loved it. Also, a friend of the family actually had something implanted. I don't remember the details, and don't know the person myself, but I heard glowing reviews.
Oh, dear. I will never be able to eat that again.
Yeah, I was pretty close to that before, but ewwwww.
I was going to post: Oh, Kristin. At least your day has to get better, right?
And then I saw:
I see Botoxed people.
Hmmm. I'm not sure if that's better or not.
And, randomly, I got a free sample in the mail today of Hamburger Helper Microwave Singles. I was hungry when I got home, so I figured, hey, free food.
It's actually really good. FYI.
Yay on the raise, Suzi!
Yay for good news, Steph!
Steph, I'm so glad this is just muscle related.
Thanks for all the YAYAYAYAY. I'm off to see K-Bug play and then my A's....a whole afternoon/evening of bats and balls. WHeeeeeeeeeeee! My kind of celebration.
I was pretty close to that before, but ewwwww.
It's not as bad as the sound bites make it sound. The ingredients it has in common with lube, etc, are common food ingredients.
Don't eat it because it's funny tasting and real whipped cream is delicious--that's the best reason.
I wish Flexeril was still working for me. Looks like my love affair with Percoset is over just a week in.
Good thing I have a Boy at my beck and call....
what they're for.
Suzi, good job on the job.
Yay for Suzi and Steph!! Good news all around!!
Yay for raise, Suzi!
Go, flexeril, Steph!
I made a needless trip to the old job. Even though I asked them to hold my last check, they mailed it to me. I picked up my mail yesterday from having it held while I was on vacation, but didn't look through it. Guess I should have. Ah, well, it was good to get out of the house.
And I have giganto ibuprofen pills and that godsend of the pharmaceutical world, flexiril.
Oh, yeah. Which reminds me--I need to refill my ibuprofen horse pills before the 22nd.
ita, have you tried Ultram. It's very lovely.
WOOT for Suzi's raise!
WOOT for Tep's pain being muscle-related rather than something worse!
I was going to post: Oh, Kristin. At least your day has to get better, right?
Actually, it hasn't been a bad day. It's been a very hectic yet amusing day. I just taught scenes from Act One of
with about a dozen grandparents looking on. It went surprisingly well (how could I go wrong by making the girls act in front of their grandparents? Cameras, ho!), and I had a neat moment at the end. One of the grandfathers came up to me, clasped my hand, and said, "I taught
fifty years ago, and you just taught it better than I ever did. Keep on teaching." Damn those allergies.