PC, why not? Is it because this way of dating seems more likely to lead to marriage than other routes (and it's marriage you're not ready for, yet)?
That's pretty much exactly it.
Don't you get a little resume about her?
Yes. It includes her birthday, the names of her parents, and her education.
Walk between the raindrops, vw!
Health~ma, Steph.
P-C, for what it's worth, she may very well not be enthusiastic about this situation either. She's an accountant, which means she's educated. And while I don't have any figures on this, I'd bet there's a correlation between education level and lack of enthusiasm for having your parents choose your spouse.
One possible direction -- develop a standard e-mail introducing yourself. With a few generic questions (about hobbies, etc.) to help her respond.
To keep in mind:
(1) A new friend is a good thing. Doesn't matter whether you're thinking of marriage in the near future or not.
(2) If you later have your mind on marriage, nobody is served well if you hide who you are. So if your parents object to the content of your e-mails as they objected to your profile, remember that their objections aren't consistent with your best interests. Or those of any hypothetical potential bride.
(3) Although your parents may not realize it, your love life could freak them out far more than it does. Remember that and, if the situation becomes intolerable, use it to your advantage.
Tep, much better to call the doctor and have it be nothing than the other way around. Fingers crossed for needing only some good strong drugs and rest!
ION, I have become CRAZY with the eBaying for baby stuff. I'm watching 8 lots of newborn clothes right now, and have started browsing the cloth diapering section.
Also, PC, BOTH of you may be able to use a friendship to get your parents to chill out.
Jess, the cloth diapering section is sad at the moment. Way less in the way of choices than there was when I was buying for Lillian, and the prices aren't much better than new.
Have you gone over to diaperpin.com? Lots of reviews of both sellers and diapers.
Oh, cloth diapers...so cute! Actually, I love buying Ellie clothes on eBay, too. Mostly, I end up buying gymboree pieces to match stuff she already has.
Have you gone over to diaperpin.com? Lots of reviews of both sellers and diapers.
No, but I will now! I keep meaning to pick your brain about the cloth diapering thing. When I was a baby, my mom used prefolds and pins and that was IT. It's all so much more complicated now!
No, but I will now! I keep meaning to pick your brain about the cloth diapering thing. When I was a baby, my mom used prefolds and pins and that was IT. It's all so much more complicated now!
It is! And as your baby grows and changes, the diaper that worked at one stage will suddenly fit funny the next.
What are you looking for in a diaper system?
P-C, I really like Fred Pete and Vortex's thinking here.
If she IS cool in any way and has similar feelings about the process, having a partner in crimelike could be the ticket to staving off the 'rent's anxieties.
Joining you in the not-really ready corner, and wondering why on Earth I put a profile on match.com (and _paid_ for it which would seem to equal commitment), I got my first viable response.
Not a handsome guy at all, so the photo didn't really help...but he writes charmingly (and for a living) and illustrated that he's actually read my entirely too long profile. So big bonus for him!
I'm hoping you find at least that much good news in your communication with this woman. And, not to put too fine a point on Fred Pete's thoughts but, you've got nothing to lose by being totally yourself at this point. (including the grumpiness over having to do it at all.)