It really is that "some" people think my emails about benefits have too much humor in them. Too. Much. Humor.
Mmm...perhaps "some" people's emails (or hearts) don't contain ENOUGH humor.
Defiantly Long-Haired Corner
goes to stand in this corner
Yes, but Katie B and Ailleann have luscious, gorgeous, long hair. My hair, when it gets long is thin, flat and sad.
Robin, folks can be so stooopid about e-mail. I once got in trouble for e-mailing my group, "I will be on vacation from x to y. See you in two weeks. Wooot!"
Nobody knew what "woot" meant, so they all had questions for my supervisor about my distressing use of weird language. Instead of, say, just asking me if they really wanted to know. I was mystified by the depth of this kerfuffle upon my return, because I had thought, well, couldn't you college-educated crowd have figured that one out via context? Jeez.
Of course, this was the office where people would type out a twelve-page document, send it to the printer, delete it, and hand the printed pages to the secretaries for retyping and formatting.
Of course, this was the office where people would type out a twelve-page document, send it to the printer, delete it, and hand the printed pages to the secretaries for retyping and formatting.
WTF??? Seriously. Some people need killin'.
Nobody puts -t in a corner...wait a minute, this is a very fine corner full of hotness, exactly where I want to be. I'll allow it.
Happy Birthday, Ailleann! Hope it continues to be a fabulous day!
Robin, that's just, well, stupid. "Some" people need to get a life.
Of course, this was the office where people would type out a twelve-page document, send it to the printer, delete it, and hand the printed pages to the secretaries for retyping and formatting.
Whaaaaat? As a former secretary, I really would have killed over that kind of behavior. Really. That's just, well, stupid, and as previously mentioned, kill-worthy.
You know what else is kill-worthy? This heat. I went out and ran to the post office and decided to get lunch somewhere air conditioned. Unfortunately, my neighborhood's idea of air conditioned is definitely not the cold central air you office people are used to. It's a window air conditioner over the door with the door then shut. Honestly, I think it would have been cooler with the AC off and door open. So, I decided to go get a nice ice cream drink, and if that place didn't have AC, come home. Well, they didn't, so I got my mochaccino and came home...where the thermostat says it is 84 degrees. Ima gonna kill someone. Good thing I live alone.
And, yes. I know I'm overreacting. And, yes, I know it's only just begun. I just can no longer tolerate heat and being overheated...ever since adding the Cymbalta to my medicine cocktail. It has done amazing things for me, but now when I get hot, I turn into a major crank-monster. I keep telling myself it'll be back down to 64 on Saturday, but right now that feels like October.
Library! Maybe the library has AC!
Oh, God. Sorry guys.
vw, when we didn't have A/C in our first apartment, we took long, cool baths while eating popsicles. And found various reasons to go to the grocery store and linger in the frozen food aisles.
Sorry the heat's getting to you. We've been trying to hold off turning on the a/c. Last night was a teeny bit uncomfortable but it got better through the night--we have fans moving air. That was until the neighbors started screaming at each other.
We've been trying to hold off turning on the a/c.
Us too... I'd just like to have ONE month where I'm not paying crazy gas prices for heat or crazy electric prices for AC. Just one.
t scowls at bills
You know, they want you to pay them EVERY MONTH? Man.
Happy happy birthday, Aillean!
I think we're looking at the wrong webcomic. Jilli's the loose basis for a character in Dork Tower, not Penny Arcade.
What Plei said.
Damn a Jilli video game would be cool. There could be a level where she pokes people who are rude in the club with her hat pin. Also, when you get to the top level, you get a Clovis.
Bwah! Okay, you people know me really well.