I wonder if there are cow sentries to keep watch for danger the way there are in other animal species?
I've never noticed it in domestic cattle, which are usually dumber than lettuce. Presumably their ancestors in the wild were smarter. I've always assumed cow-tipping was a myth, because how would you get leverage?
I've never noticed it in domestic cattle, which are usually dumber than lettuce.
Too true. If there's one thing I've learned from growing up on a dairy farm, it's that cows are really dumb.
Btw, I'm posting rather than working because I had the World's Most Annoying Meeting (TM) this morning and then had a 45 minute break before teaching four classes. I share this fact in case anyone was unclear about my status as Slacker McSlackerpants who has a massive case of end-of-school-year apathy.
I think we need a Mythbusters episode on cow tipping.
You know what's a good thing? I'm still not tired of listening to
Of course it's an extremely various and complex album with a lot of deep pleasures so it's got that going for it.
Still, I have to go cleanse my palate with Brazilian music occasionally.
Tom's music is very...not Brazilian.
I have had the impression, and I don't know where it came from, that cow-tipping was like snipe hunting - the entertainment comes from being able to convince someone to try it.
David! I need hair advice: I think I want to have layers in my hair again. Right now - my hair is extra long and one length because I've been bored with the cut I've been getting and I've been really, really broke.
But I was thinking that if I want to show off the cool two-tone quality of my hair (it's mostly white on top and black underneath) lots of short layers would be what I want.
Would that work, do you think?
lots of short layers would be what I want.
Would that work, do you think?
Are you keeping the length or going shorter all over? Because the choppy shag that Sally Hershberger is wearing on Shear Genius could definitely show off your two-tonality. You've got to be very careful about the top layers getting too short though else you're in mullet-land.
Oh, I'd want to go short all over.
So, if I went in and said, "I want a choppy shag" - I'd get the look I'm after?