Oh, Suzi. Ick. I'm sorry. We can go cave out and write papers together.
I'm finally home. I think I'll chalk this up to one of the longest days ever. After I posted here, I had a total and complete breakdown with the Honors Program coordinator, who force-fed me chocolate and sent me off to class. Three hours later, during my long class break, a bunch of us bitched and bitched and bitched about the end of the semester in general and then the lackadaisical attitude of our professor about the fact that there is only a week and a half left, and she still hasn't given us the parameters of the final project. This being the class that meets once a week. Which means, after today, we meet once. Grrrrr... It was good to know, though, that I'm not the only one going crazy and also frustrated with this particular situation.
Still pretty upset about the interview. Mostly because I think she was wrong. Basically, what upset me was that she interrupted my role play to tell me that she thought that the kind of help I get on my papers has done me a disservice and makes me a terrible candidate for tutoring. Then, she cut the interview off without allowing me to ask any questions, where I probably would have asked about their goals and ideas about tutoring, since my ideas were clearly wrong (though I wouldn't have phrased it that way...I would have phrased it as trying to better understand the program and its purposes...basically so I could have had a better idea if I think it's a good match for me). So, I'm frustrated that there was a) no opportunity to try to recover and b) get more of an idea of the purpose of the program to see if it fits in my framework of what makes a good writer.
ETA: Oh, shit! Sorry! Hugs for Kristin too!
Suzi, I think you need a trip to the North Beach Spa soon.
Can I pretend I'm from outta state? I know I'm outta my mind today.
Ya know what is also good for avoiding annoying people and a frustrating day? Retail therapy. I just used $200 of my bonus gift certificate from a year ago...I still have $200 left to spend. I wish there were a wider range of vendors, but Sephora should be pretty darned happy at the moment.
vw, I'm very sorry.
Suzi, I'm all for retail therapy. Huzzah!
Also, a week of camping and rafting is not an easy segue into Macbeth.
Hmmm. "Is this a kayak I see before me?" Nah, doesn't work, does it?
Out, Out, damned mosquito!
Hooray gift certificate!
That sounds very odd, vw. It's weird to not explain what it is the interviewer thought you wouldn't fit into.
Out, Out, damned mosquito!
Heh. See, you should have started while you were out there, and done the Three Witches "Double, double toil and trouble" scen over the campfire:
In the poison'd entrails throw.—
Toad, that under cold stone,
Days and nights has thirty-one;
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot!
Whenever they have smores, they'd think of Shakespeare.
We can go cave out and write papers together.
I suppose it would defeat the purpose if I went and joined vw and Suzi?
On the other hand, retail therapy brings up interesting possibilities. I have $90 from my birthday to spend a the really nice yarn shop here. But I should save that for another time, as tonight I get to go out to dinner with some really cool folks, including a librarian in town on a cruise and the wonderful storyteller who was here for the weekend.
I suppose it would defeat the purpose if I went and joined vw and Suzi?
Well, I don't know about Suzi, but I'm gonna be crashing for the night and attempting paper-writing again in the morning. So, I'd be up for some hanging out in the cave tonight!