Actually, I think it would be a really bad fit, but that's still frustrating to learn.
I bet! However, probably better to realize that now than when the semester begins. You know this isn't a bad reflection on you, right? It's just a bad fit? Happens all the time to awesome people!
((vw)) Bad fits are two way streets.
Happy birthday, Gloomcookie!
Also, {{{vw}}} - I didn't see your news until after I hit post.
-t, I'll get more specific information this evening. If the men are speaking to eachother by then. Otherwise, I'll have K-Bug ask her cousin.
Happy Birthday, GC!!! I've told you about my friends' toy store, right? They have about a million things there I think you would LOVE!
Sorry about the interview, vw!
The guy that flirted with me just came through here. He shook my hand (we never had before) and said hello and that he loves coming through here -- well he was with a new employee going to get an id badge. I'm trying to figure out what to say when he comes back through. but I saw his badge so now I know his name.
Sorry the interview went poorly - but way better to figure it out now , rather than later.
But I still tend to feel that, with the right person, the hard work doesn't feel so damn hard.
I agree. I can't even really define 'the work' in my relationship with DH . Unless may be the part where I have to remember that he thinks very differently than I do.
Happy Birthday Gloomcookie!
I've told you about my friends' toy store, right? They have about a million things there I think you would LOVE!
You are right! Just glancing at that first page I saw Blythe and the San-X seals, both of which I totally love. I got some of the seal stuff for my b-day and it is soooo adorable!