So I have decided that my asthma has a greater purpose. I gave myself an attack from gardening yesterday. I want to go back outside today, but I really shouldn't. So the laundry will get done today.
I am happy to hear that your ADD meds are making a noticeable difference, sj.
Thanks, beth. They are helping, at least for a 6 hour window during the day.
Amazing how much work gets done when avoiding other work
This is when I get most of my housework done.
t points at Victor's tag and giggles
The girl who said that is a few seats back from me right now.
So we're still a good 2 hours from our destination, and the DVD player has broken. Pity me.
I have paid my bills, done about half of my schoolwork, RSVP'd to my cousin's wedding and her shower, and made that follow-up appointment with my doctor. A fairly productive day for me by comparison, and I should be able to relax and watch Heroes tonight without having to be doing schoolwork at the same time.
Kristin, much sympathy on the broken DVD player. I hope the students don't rebel.
the DVD player has broken. Pity me.
Yikes, Kristin! I'm imagining show tunes.
Yay for productivity, sj!
Nah, they're good. Ok, leaving cell range. Smooches, all.
The girl who said that is a few seats back from me right now.
I daresay it's my favorite quote of an utterly quotable trip. (The close runner up being, "Beer is for winners!")
Nah, they're good. Ok, leaving cell range. Smooches, all.
Have fun storming the wilderness!
Oh that's right!
is on, tonight. sj, you just improved my mood significantly.
I'm following up with a handful people to see if their kids are coming to Christopher's birthday party. I suspect they are. Usually, we do hear from the people who can't make it. I just want to know how many cupcakes, juice bags, and goody bags I need to have. And then I'll over buy anyhow, for the kids whose siblings invariably end up at the party.
This morning, I made up a two month calendar full of Ben and Christopher's baseball games and Julia's softball games, and the few practices which are scheduled. It is color coded -- Julia in pink; Ben in purple; Chris in green. For days on which we have more than one game scheduled, I have put the calendar date number in red. If the kids game isn't at his/her usual field, the field name is in a slightly different shade of [pink; purple; green], so it'll catch our eye.
Willow would be so proud. Me? I'm just trying to stay sane.
Returned rental, got own vehicle.
Left car seat in rental.
Just noticed.
Aimee = Dumbass.