Oh that's right!
is on, tonight. sj, you just improved my mood significantly.
I'm following up with a handful people to see if their kids are coming to Christopher's birthday party. I suspect they are. Usually, we do hear from the people who can't make it. I just want to know how many cupcakes, juice bags, and goody bags I need to have. And then I'll over buy anyhow, for the kids whose siblings invariably end up at the party.
This morning, I made up a two month calendar full of Ben and Christopher's baseball games and Julia's softball games, and the few practices which are scheduled. It is color coded -- Julia in pink; Ben in purple; Chris in green. For days on which we have more than one game scheduled, I have put the calendar date number in red. If the kids game isn't at his/her usual field, the field name is in a slightly different shade of [pink; purple; green], so it'll catch our eye.
Willow would be so proud. Me? I'm just trying to stay sane.
Returned rental, got own vehicle.
Left car seat in rental.
Just noticed.
Aimee = Dumbass.
Cindy - have you been looking at my calendar? Geeesh.
Aimee, I have found that, in moving, it seems a substantial portion of my brain gets packed, too.
Suzi, it's madness. But somehow, I never have more than two games (or a practice and a game) on the same day. I am thankful to the schedule imps for that.
I'm following up with a handful people to see if their kids are coming to Christopher's birthday party. I suspect they are. Usually, we do hear from the people who can't make it. I just want to know how many cupcakes, juice bags, and goody bags I need to have. And then I'll over buy anyhow, for the kids whose siblings invariably end up at the party.
When I was a kid, my dad invited my whole Kindergarten class to my birthday party at McDonalds, as in the whole of the Kindergarten class, not just the one I happened to be in. My parents figured most of the ones in my actual class would come, and maybe a few of the others. Nope. They all came. Every. Single. One.
My mother is a maniac about RSVPing now.
I'm waiting for some rsvps myself, Cindy (for I's birthday party). I'm hoping that most of the invitees won't come. Is that bad of me?
Empress, moving is hell, whether it's cross-country or crosstown
stress stress stress
- I'm in the middle of a group project at school
- I have to put in 20 hours of volunteer work between now and June 1 for another class I'm in
- GF's dad is about to start some clinical trial (he'll have to be hospitalized for it)
- I have to prepare for and present at a conference at the end of next week
- I have to make sure I have enough appropriate clothing to present at the conference (I'm co-presenting for two days) and find time to shop if I don't
- Mother's Day is 5/12
And it's no fair that in the midst of all this is my birthday (5/7). No fair! No fair!
No, it is not wrong at all, Burrell. He is very little. Are you having a friends party, a family party, or a combination?
I invited Chris's whole class (which is 19 children, including him), plus six friends from the other class, plus three kids from church. Our other two will be there, as will the little girl across the street (because her big brothers are in Chris's grade).
So far, 21 are attending (including my own three), five are not, and we're waiting to hear from five.
Usually, we'd just invite the boys from his class, and then whatever boys he's good friends with in the other class. However, there are only six girls in his class, and two of the girls are his good friends, so I'd be leaving out only four, which felt mean.
Two of the kids in the other class have twins in Chris's class. How do you invite one twin and not the other? That also felt mean. I'd have stopped there, but almost all the boys he was in kindergarten with are in the other first grade and a couple of his closest friends are in the other class. The three boys from church (who aren't from his school) are his good friends, too.
We're making a Superman movie, and have told everyone to wear a costume. It's either going to be a disaster or a blast. We're hoping for a blast. We're using a room at our church for it, because I am not having that many kids in my house.