No contradiction here.
She was ADORABLE at DLand. She loved the rides and I thought that seeing the characters would go the way Santa did this year (not well. lots of screaming tears.) But she just ran up to Mickey and threw her arms around him and she crawled up next to Prince Philip just as sly as you please, flashing those big blues and smiling coyly. We could barely get her away from Jasmine and only did once she saw "Si-rella! Si-rella!" I was gonna buy her a princess dress, but at $60 a pop, I can make one.
We left fairly early as neither Em nor Baby A had had a meltdown yet and it was decided better to end the day on a positive note.
We might not actually leave until Wednesday now - some mishaps in shipping - and it turns out that for whatever reason, my uncle who is the executor of my grandparent's will who had previously said that it was ok with him if we moved in Gram's house as long as it was fine with the rest of the kids has since changed his mind. There might be a solution which entails my parents taking the house as their 25% of the estate and renting to us for a brief time, but we don't know yet. Still up in the air.
All very crazy making.
He clearly wants you to stay in LA.
Switch the kitty. [link]
The back door got left open somehow last night. I went out to have a cigarette and noticed Switch running off the back porch and Elliot laying in the drive. We herded Elliot in, found Ollie in the front yard and got him inside and then spent the next hour and a half chasing Switch all over the backyard. We almost had him a couple of times and he let his displeasure and reluctance to be caught by biting, scratching, and hissing. He's been gone for almost 24 hours and no one has seen him.
I'm trying very hard not to lose my shit.
Wow. That sucks. But remain calm. He may be hiding out someplace really close by -- cats are sneaky that way.
Does he have a favorite treat?
Perhaps if you just hang out on the back stoop and have that treat with you, you can lure him to you.
Does he have a favorite treat?
Human flesh, it seems. Other than that, no.
Perhaps if you just hang out on the back stoop and have that treat with you, you can lure him to you.
I've been doing that, too. Every time I reach for him, he bolts.
Then, do that - when he approaches, you retreat. Can you secure the other animals so that they won't run out the back door if you leave it open?
Then you can do the lure, approach, retreat thing until you get him into the house.
Good call, Sumi. I'll try that.