I really should get a sword.
Every well equipped home should have one. They won't go off accidentally, they don't need loaded, you're not going to hit the person across the street by accident--unless you're very strong as well as clumsy--and you can use it to open packages and prepare dinner in a pinch.
See, now, this is the point at which I would be installing one and start keeping it on the chain except when the boyfriend is expected home. Then I would start thinking about ways to get out of the appartment other than the door. Got any convenient windows that can readily be pulled down behind you? If for no other time than when you have moved all your stuff to your next place and are ready to drop off the key.
We actually have two doors, but a key doesn't exist for the other door.
Ok. Waiting to hear from allergist directly (nurse thought I should talk to him). Not going to class. Canceled my spa day for tomorrow, because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be told to stay inside for a few days and do regular neb treatments (after a while, you just learn what they're gonna tell you). Also, just ordered a pizza, 'cause I have no more food in the house.
Now to figure out if I can order groceries without a debit card, since my new one hasn't come yet. I think Peapod has so you can set it up to come directly out of your checking account. Hopefully that is the case.
Clearly, we need to invest in more bubble wrap. {{{delicate Bitches}}}
Y'know, when Hec and I were out walking on Friday, we went to a china shop with huuuuuuuge people sized rolls of bubble wrap outside. We thought of buffistas.
sj, I stand firmly behind connie on people just walking into the house. No, seriously, right behind her and out of swinging range.
vw, I'm sorry you had to cancel spa day. Feel better, and best of luck getting your groceries delivered.
sj, perhaps Gud could loan you Leif to make barricades? or you could booby-trap the door. Really - if they're not going to knock, they deserve whatever they get.
Now to figure out if I can order groceries without a debit card, since my new one hasn't come yet. I think Peapod has so you can set it up to come directly out of your checking account. Hopefully that is the case.
They actually give you a dollar off for that.
Matilda cracks me up with how utterly intent she is on the toe-munchy. No power in the verse can stop her!
In this, she is her mother's daughter.