Looks sweet, Juliana. Nice black pearls, too. One of my favorite Charles De Lint books is "Someplace to be Flying," which says that Raven created the world because he wanted somewhere to fly. I don't know why I like that so much, but I thought it was really cool.
I am getting a different answer to my Bay Bridge to Embarcadero problem everywhere I look. Google says, take 5th St. Yahoo says, take Harrison. P-C says, Fremont/Folsom. My memory says, wow, there's been a lot of construction on that interchange since my last trip and I don't remember. I can't wait trying to explain all this to the dotty old lady who needs directions.
Oh holy fuck, juliana. It's beautiful. Joe is standing here looking at the pictures, mouth agape.
Course that could be cause you aren't wearing a bra and he's 12.
LOVE the new tat, juliana! Can't wait to see it finished.
Seems like everyone I know is getting full-back designs lately. It's starting to look very tempting...
Beautiful tattoo, juliana! I admire your taste, your courage, and your pain threshold.
And, in other, news, a doctor you really don't want to deal with.
That's an incredible tattoo Juliana. It's going to look amazing when it's done.
juliana, that's an AMAZING tattoo!
When did you have the lotus done? We're lower-back lotus twins!
Damn, juliana, that's gorgeous! Already it's gorgeous, when it's finished it will be even gorgeouser. The design is awesome and it accentuates your back so well - sexy and meaningful and just, you know, pretty.
That's not billytea's doctor, is it?
I doubt it - there are enough medical whackaloons to go around.