Oooh, I can't wait to see it, juliana!
Feel better, askye!
Find a better house~ma and landlord get a clue~ma for sj. Still and yet. I hate landlords who have no consideration for the tenants livng on their property. They own it, but it's your home and being constantly invaded is just wrong.
The advntures of the AWOL librarian are making me laugh. Selling her car is taking polite and helpful a bit far, I must say.
I'm off to get my hair re-dyed. Any good advice for a response if for some reason I am asked to pay? I hate confrontation.
sj, I've got nothin'. Sorry!
Tattoo (phase 1 of 3): [link]
Full back: [link]
juliana, that design is incredible. Wow. No wonder you needed a little medicating.
Holy wow, juliana, that's amazingly gorgeous. And a serious commitment of your physical real estate.
That's a beautiful tattoo, juliana. I can't wait to see it finished.
Thanks, y'all. Yeah, medication is necessary, but I think my artist is brilliant. He did the lotus at the base, as well.
sj, maybe say "The result of my hair wasn't what we discussed, and I'm very unhappy with it. Therefore, I'm uncomfortable paying to have you correct the error." Does that work?
Asshat Ex Boss strikes again.
Received notice from our health insurance that he is keeping the termination date of 4/30/07. I'm sending him the following email:
Dear ExBoss,
I received notice today from California Choice that our health insurance was being terminated as of April 30th.
Since all of my emails have gone unanswered from you, I don't know where we stand with my request from you. Most people would have taken the hint, so to speak, but I refuse to believe that you are ignoring me in the hopes that I'll just move to Michigan and forget about it. You are more honorable than that.
Please do answer me. I think I deserve at least that much.
Looks sweet, Juliana. Nice black pearls, too. One of my favorite Charles De Lint books is "Someplace to be Flying," which says that Raven created the world because he wanted somewhere to fly. I don't know why I like that so much, but I thought it was really cool.
I am getting a different answer to my Bay Bridge to Embarcadero problem everywhere I look. Google says, take 5th St. Yahoo says, take Harrison. P-C says, Fremont/Folsom. My memory says, wow, there's been a lot of construction on that interchange since my last trip and I don't remember. I can't wait trying to explain all this to the dotty old lady who needs directions.