askye, keep pushing those fluids. Since it's already gone down with more hydration, I might hold off on the NSAID unless you're really uncomfortable on the theory that my immune system should be allowed to do its stuff.
Go, Sabres! My DH has gone to a meeting and I'm sitting on the couch watching -- I'm tempted to go upstairs and put one of my jerseys on.
t /fangirl
eta: Sean Avery to the bad boys box!
It doesn't look good for the house for rent. The realtor was avoiding us because the people who own it are waffling. They wanted renters for May 1st. wtf? Who can give a week's notice, hire a mover and just move like that?
Sorry to hear that, sj. But, yeah, those aren't the landlords you likely want.
Sean Avery to the bad boys box!
This sounds ... dirty.
I might like hockey.
I might like hockey.
Beautiful men sprinting on skates so they can slam each other into the boards and draw blood!
My niece called it the bad boys' box when she was 2 and we'd take her to games and she'd spend the whole time following Sabretooth around the Aud.
Beautiful men sprinting on skates so they can slam each other into the boards and draw blood!
Kinks On Ice
Cute niece! I used to love watching hockey but I haven't in ages. I seem to have a new sport for each city I live in. LA was hockey. Phoenix was basketball. San Diego was ... um ... I need a new metaphor on second thought.
Sorry sj. I feels your pain. Why, once I looked at the most wonderful house and the realtor never.called.back.
I haven't been on the Bay Bridge for so long that I forget what exit would be best to get to the Embarcadero.
Emmett's feeding Matilda her bottle.
That girl must have one hell of an esophagus.
Speaking of skating, guess what I did today?