Aimee, in a small world moment, I went to Bowling Green, and it's right that the Pop Culture department is kosher. Depending on who you're talking with, I might even know them. Feel free to e me if you have a question or want me to check.
Thank you! I'll let you know!
Cripes. My old backpain came back with a vengeance today, right as I was leaving work. I decided to continue on to the bookstore as was my plan. Mistake. I ended up in one of those headspaces where nothing appealed and every moment got more frustrating. Serious funk.
I'm home now, and waiting for my magic solution to kick it. (Asprin and wine. Seriously. When this used to be a chronic thing, I tried everything. All the hardcore painkillers, muscle relaxants, heat pads, cremes. Nothing. After months, maybe longer, of trial and error, I found that the
thing that reliably worked was plain old dollar store aspirin and lots of it. And a glass of wine or whiskey seems to turbo charge it.)
But jeez. Please do not let this be coming back on a regular basis. I'm not at Steph levels, by any means, but this fucked me up for a good two years or so in the past, and I'm horrified at the thought of having to deal with that again.
Happier post. Did somebody give these guys a lion cut? [link]
Two years ago in June, on the way back from picking up Andi and her life from Arizona, I bought a pair of leather Flip-flops.
I am utterly amazed that it has been two years. It seems like both forever and no time at all. Good luck on the shoes. I don't think you need any luck on Andi, but I do hope that the time until she gets home goes swiftly.
As far as I can tell, the worst thing about either of you is that you live way too far away.
Your poor, poor DH, -t. While I am often annoyed at having only one airline choice, and often annoyed at the airline in question, I kind of think they wouldn't be
bad. I hope the rest of his trip goes more smoothly.
Oof, brenda, I hope your back feels better soon. Sounds like No Fun.
Aimee, you passed that stuff on to someone who needs it and that is a good thing.
brenda, I hope that this back pain is temporary and not the chronic shit you've already dealt with.
Damn, I'd forgotten that David Tennant played Barty Crouch in GoF. Mmmm...pretty insanity.
Well, he's in the airport in San Antonio, at least, off the plane, but there seems to be no way to get from there to Dallas. He was supposed to take down a network there starting in 3 hours.
Begone brenda's back pain! Get out get out get out!!!!
Aimee, I hope all the good karma you sent out tonight comes back to you in the form of a very low stress move.
Whew. He's giving up and staying in a hotel tonight. As early as it is, I may need to just go to sleep soon myself.
-t tons of travel~ma to your DH. Sorry that he is having such a sucky time of it.
Still no word back from the real estate agent for those of you who aren't sick of hearing about this. TCG called him when he got home, and the person that answered the phone said he would have him call us right back because he was on the other line. No call back.
Um, they
a legitimate real estate agency, right?