I think this is fucking ridiculous:
Professor Fired After Mock Student Shootings
I don't see AT ALL how what he did would warrant being fired. Hell, it seems like his own students support him.
I'm just watching the video the prof made about his termination, on YouTube. I've only gotten through the first segment, but I thought you might want the links.
Fired Professor speaks out on YouTube
1/4: [link] (1:48 min)
2/4: [link] (6:11)
3/4: [link] (3:43)
4/4 [link] (6:56)
I was feeling kind of ... I don't know, bothered, I guess, about letting all of my baby gear go for nothing.
Until the single, pregnant teenager walked into my garage. Basically no family support and very little money. I sent her away with a bin of clothes, another of blankets and Em's bedding set, the stroller and car seat, an extra car base, a bouncy chair and the swing. I feel a little better about it now.
Until the single, pregnant teenager walked into my garage. Basically no family support and very little money.
clearly, that stuff didn't sell this weekend because you needed to be there for her.
Oh, bless you, Aimée. You've made such a difference to that girl and her babe.
clearly, that stuff didn't sell this weekend because you needed to be there for her.
I'm glad I was. She was so sweet.
loves Aims for a good and generous soul
That's wonderful Aimee. I'm glad the gear went to someone who really needs it. I'll bet you made her day.
See, Empress, she's going to wrap her little one up in all that stuff and talk about the nice imperial lady who got provided all that comfort.