Hey San Francisco people, tiggy is in your city with family (and one family member is on a business trip, I think). She's looking for kid-friendly tourist-y places to visit Any suggestions? She's at the Hyatt Regency and says the area seems very business oriented.
I told her stuff! I recommended the Exploratorium, but she's scared of getting lost. We're having dinner tonight. Woo, meeting Buffistas!
Ah, the waffew.
This morning, after Joe left, Em and I went out to the car so I could take her to daycare. She was carrying her waffew. She handed it to me while I strapped her in and then I handed it back to her. She took a bite, then said "No, thanks. I pwomise." and handed it back to me. I said, "Do you want your waffle?"
"No thanks."
"Are you sure?"
"No waffew."
"Ok." and I threw it away.
Cue GIANT HISSY FIT comeplete with tears and kicking and declarations of mommy being "BAD BAD BAD!".
I love the 2-year-old brain. So cute. My niece gets on the phone and alternately calls me Nunty, Mungy, Mongy, and Aintee. So adorable! My mom says she doesn't talk on the phone much with anyone other than me. We have conversations like the following:
Me: Hey, B! What are you doing?
B: Sittin with Granny
Me: Did you play in the yard today?
B: Yesh
Me: Did you play with some sticks?
B: Yesh. Play with stick on the ground. Sticks! Papa got dog doo.
Me: Ew! Tell Papa, "Ew, Papa!"
B: "Ew, Papa!" hahahahahaha
Any talk of waffles throws me back to some song that Bert (of Ernie and fame) sang on a video my niece used to listen to about the W and what life would be like without it. It had the line, "a fine word like waffle would turn out just 'affle."
Emeline and Owen are cut from the same freakin' cloth, I tell ya! I go through the EXACT SAME SHIT.
Hee. Last time I sat on for Em, she demanded an "appaw."
I said, "You want an apple?"
Pause. Hestinant nod. "Appaw."
So I get her a chunk of apple. She looked at it like a giant bug had crawled into her hand and gave me an injured look. "NO! No appaw!" and threw it on the table.
"No apple. Got it." I picked it up and went to throw it away.
Plantive voice. "Kwitin? Appaw?"
Brought it back. She gulped it down.
Kids is weird.
I'm eating waffews right now AIFG!
I think the
Oakland Tribune
needs to fire its sports page headline writer:
Ugh, what an opener
That's not a HEADLINE. That's a BLOG POST.
In conclusion, my boss really likes
The Black Donnellys.
I recommended the Exploratorium, but she's scared of getting lost.
There's a joke in here somewhere.
Mal's more a pancake ("bahn-bake!") man than a waffle man. Last time I made pancakes, he did the Snoopy dance in the middle of the kitchen chanting, "Num! Num! Num!"
So I guess that's the dance of Numfar.
Oh! Turns out he speaks Greek. Only outside the house, and only with Not!Parents, but at the park yesterday he said "Ball" and "No" and "Up" and so on in Greek the whole time.
Too bad for your boss, because it's being cancelled.
Then she'll heave a heavy put-upon sigh and go to the freezer and fetch a waffle, all the while looking at me like "Idiot. It's pronounced 'waffew'."
I'm sure I told y'all about the screaming matches mom and I had over "junastics" vs. gymnastics complete with 2 year old rationalization "You play on a
jungle gym."