Then she'll heave a heavy put-upon sigh and go to the freezer and fetch a waffle, all the while looking at me like "Idiot. It's pronounced 'waffew'."
I'm sure I told y'all about the screaming matches mom and I had over "junastics" vs. gymnastics complete with 2 year old rationalization "You play on a
jungle gym."
Any talk of waffles throws me back to some song that Bert (of Ernie and fame) sang on a video my niece used to listen to about the W and what life would be like without it. It had the line, "a fine word like waffle would turn out just 'affle."
It's not any trouble
You know it's a double-you
When you say, "Wuh wuh wuh wuh."
I told her stuff! I recommended the Exploratorium, but she's scared of getting lost. We're having dinner tonight. Woo, meeting Buffistas!
So I can't be helpful? Harumph.
In conclusion, my boss really likes The Black Donnellys.
Me, too. I think the last episode on the slate is the one airing 4/16. Supposedly, it's not "officially" canceled yet, but so much stuff never gets officially canceled. It just poofs away.
They're going to put some awful Real Wedding Crashers type reality show in its place, which you know probably costs 1/4 of the price of TBD to make, and will get 8 times the ratings. Bye bye TBD.
Too bad for your boss, because it's being cancelled.
Too bad for ME, too. It's not official, though, right? They're just pulling it for a while, and they could totally bring it back and let us see how the story plays out, RIGHT?
So I can't be helpful? Harumph.
That is correct. Only I can be helpful. You can be smart instead.
Brrr. It's about 35 degrees here. It's my SPRING BREAK, dammit! Of course, NEXT week is all 60's and 70's. You know. When I'm back in SCHOOL.
I have already had 2 cups o' coffee. I want more. Is this a bad idea?
One more day of work and then bank holiday! surely I can do that.
Kristin, I might get the name of your financial adviser when I finally, you know, have a real job. I sure as hell can't do this stuff by myself.
You know, I love that the sun is shining in manchester, and that we get light until after 7Pm, and all the other attendant glories of spring. But man, do I need a better curtain, because this sun shit hits me in the eyes like a one-two punch every freaking morning.
35? It's 26 here!
Last week -- I swear it was in the 70s/80s.
While I"m in LA, it was supposedly like, 80 in DC. When I get back, it will be 40. HOW is that fair?
I am LIVID. I have been asking this woman for a report on my students for several days. She is in admissions, which is where the applications go. If they don't tell me who the students are, I don't know that they've applied. I finally got the woman on the phone today, and she told me that she has been told by her boss (who is pissed that my job got taken from under her and elevated to the same level) that she isn't supposed to provide reports to me anymore. I am furious. I am giving myself an hour to calm down before I write an email. She's out of town, or I'd talk to her in person. Actually, it's good that she's out of town, so I can CC the guy who is both of our bosses.
I apologize. It's apparently our fault (as well as a couple of other states). Storms here caused chilly temps in the NE. We are sorry for the inconvenience.