Would a happy story do?
My new editor at Harlequin just called about revisions to the book, and there are basically none. She also told me it was a "beautiful piece of writing" and that my writing had "honesty and integrity." I'm frekaing glowing, here.
AmyLiz, that's *wonderful*! I'm so pleased for you.
I know! It made me pretty damn happy today.
::tickles vw to make her laugh just in case::
That's awesome, Amy!
I'm trying to think of a funny story. In the meantime:
An atom was walking down the sidewalk when he bumped into another atom.
"Sorry, man!" said the first atom.
"Crap, I think I lost an electron," said the second atom.
The first atom looked worried and apologetic. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," said the second atom, "I'm positive."
I bet! And lord knows you could use some happy!
edit: That was to AmyLiz
Oh, AmyLiz, how wonderful!
VW...let's see...I don't suppose a cute story would do? Mia (aka Puppycat II) has discovered that she can open the hallway closet where we keep all of the kitty food and toys. Last night she got in there, found a plastic bag of the fake furry mice from the grocery store, pried one out, and then came marching proudly into the dining room with it in her mouth doing that "Look! Mom! I killed it!" yowl.
She's cute. Not very bright, but cute.
Fantastic AmyLiz!
That sounds like a pretty good deal for what is basically a Toyota without a whole bunch of miles.
I have a Lenten season joke.
Fred, how's your kitty doing?
Bwah, P-C! That's cute.
vw, did I ever tell you about Sara doing her little "routine" for us? When Ben and I told her to "take a bow," she stared at us for a minute and then said, "Tinkerbelle!" and saluted.
I know I told this story. Probably in LJ. She also wanted to marry Ben the other day, which struck me as particularly amusing.