Gronk. Flew up to Boston yesterday, seder last night, flew back to DC this morning. Way not enough sleep.
I've got my French exam tomorrow. Need to take a French math paper and translate it into English. I probably ought to be reviewing French, but my brain is barely processing English right now.
With Izzard, it's the beard. I never found him at all attractive until he got scruffy.
Hm. This is also true of others, including Paul Blackthorne on Dresden Files. When he's all clean-shaven, he's pretty but not sexy.
Wonder what this says about me?
Probably that I should get back to work.
Wonder what this says about me?
That you have good taste?
With Izzard, it's the beard. I never found him at all attractive until he got scruffy.
Kind of like Aragorn/Viggo Mortensen.
Joe's car mostly cleaned. Needs an interior detail - I might do that with a Rug Doctor, but more than likely, I'll just vacuum it out.
Now to list it everywhere.
What kind of car, Aimee? How much do you want?
1999 Chevy Prizm $3500 68000 miles
Needs some work - brakes and a tune up. Maybe an alignment.
With Izzard, it's the beard. I never found him at all attractive until he got scruffy.
Izzard's scruffiness troubles me. I think he's hottest when he's in guy clothes, but clean-shaven (no makeup). Because that comes across to me as, somehow, subversive.
Hm. This is also true of others, including Paul Blackthorne on Dresden Files. When he's all clean-shaven, he's pretty but not sexy.
Wonder what this says about me?
One word: scruffy!Wesley. GUH.
Someone tell a funny story. I need a good laugh.
(I think it's funny that scruffy!Wesley is one word.)