Fay, a friend of mine sent me the JetLag travel guide to Phaic Tan, and I keep thinking you need to read it. I haven't been in SE Asia for years, and it's still spot-on funny.
{{{Teddy}}} That's not bad for a 13yo cat, but I imagine it's not comfy.
We have to get a second car for living in the States. Fortunately, the one we have is paid off. Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to justify buying a Miata, what with the baby. Is there?
Fun. What are you going to do?
Freak out?
No, there is an adult answer somewhere in me.
Ima nap and try again.
I have the whole power over his medical care and everything. Which isn't new at all, because I have had that since birth. But still, human, in my thrall. For a week. *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*
It's going to be good.
Gronk. Double gronk, even. We had a massive thunderstorm here last night. With lightning. One strike was so hard and so close the condo shook like a rat in a terrier's mouth. If I hadn't have known better it felt almost like an earthquake. I think I got about four hours sleep. Did I mention the gronk?
Sail, you didn't need to mention the gronk because I'm up to my ears in gronk. The seder last night went to midnight -- note to self: don't ever go to a seder again where everyone in the room either went to law school or policy school. Those are the kind of people debate everything, at length, over and over again, in the hope of solving all the world's problems while drunk on the ritual wine. And then they sing.
::passes the gronk over to Sparky::
::keeps the coffee for herself::
Thanks for the kitty-thoughts. His appetite seems healthy, and he even took his first night's pill without too much fuss. He does seem to be drinking more water than usual, but that'll only flush things out, so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Yay for Teddy, Fred Pete! He needs to talk to Sean's cat about being mellow for pills.
Gronk. Double gronk, even. We had a massive thunderstorm here last night. With lightning. One strike was so hard and so close the condo shook like a rat in a terrier's mouth. If I hadn't have known better it felt almost like an earthquake. I think I got about four hours sleep. Did I mention the gronk?
I was watching those storms on radar go North of us. But I think we're about to get some thunderstorms in the next few minutes (Evanston, anyway).
It must have been a heck of a front, tommy. It started around 8-9pm and didn't stop until well after 3am. I know because I looked at the clock wondering when I'd be able to get some sleep. At least if you get it in the day, it's not going to cause you too many problems!
Yeah, on radar it was this solid East-West band of storm that was going straight East, so it never got closer to us. Now it looks like this narrow band is gonna get us in a few minutes, with a much wider band following in an hour or so: [link]