Gronk. Double gronk, even. We had a massive thunderstorm here last night. With lightning. One strike was so hard and so close the condo shook like a rat in a terrier's mouth. If I hadn't have known better it felt almost like an earthquake. I think I got about four hours sleep. Did I mention the gronk?
I was watching those storms on radar go North of us. But I think we're about to get some thunderstorms in the next few minutes (Evanston, anyway).
It must have been a heck of a front, tommy. It started around 8-9pm and didn't stop until well after 3am. I know because I looked at the clock wondering when I'd be able to get some sleep. At least if you get it in the day, it's not going to cause you too many problems!
Yeah, on radar it was this solid East-West band of storm that was going straight East, so it never got closer to us. Now it looks like this narrow band is gonna get us in a few minutes, with a much wider band following in an hour or so: [link]
He needs to talk to Sean's cat about being mellow for pills.
He usually isn't like that. There's usually a fair amount of hissing, as well as claw-based threats.
I think we caught him by surprise.
Glad your cat is doing relatively well, Fred Pete, and the pills fix him up right quick and he continues to be mellow about taking them!
Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way to justify buying a Miata, what with the baby. Is there?
You probably can't anyway. In many jurisdictions, if the kid still needs to ride in a baby seat, you can't have them in a convertible.
Yeah, The Man's keepin' you down.
-t, did you make the recipe Ginger linked, with the beaten egg whites?
I did, and they were delicious! I didn't beat the egg yolks before adding them to the whites, because I forgot, and I didn't so much fold in the matzoh meal as whisk it in, because that way I didn't have to change utensils, and they were still pretty darn perfect. So I think I have my matzoh ball recipe. If it's similarly successful with just the whites I will be able to impress my MiL no end next time I visit her. Thanks, Ginger!
don't ever go to a seder again where everyone in the room either went to law school or policy school
BWAHAHAHHA. I'm sorry, Sparky, but I can just picture it, and it's a funny picture when I'm outside of it . . .
I feel pretty good considering I split a bottle and a half of wine with my husband last night. Maybe that pouring out the anger so there is only joy left in the wine thing works.
Glad to hear that Teddy is doing so well! Having an appetite sounds like very good news - that was always scary with my family's elderly cats when they wouldn't eat.
Awww...poor Teddy! Hope the meds work quickly and the appointment with the specialist goes well.
There was stuff from yesterday, but I don't remember it all. I know that juliana was HOTT, and Aimee was pretty funny, and um...brainy not remembering this morning. Hugs and kisses all around.
I see my shrink today, and I think we're gonna have a serious discussion about the amount of sedatives I'm on. I am just. so. tired. And, I wonder how much of that is coming from the doubling of sedatives when I was hospitalized. I'm no longer in crisis, so I suppose it's possible I don't need this much anymore and now *that's* actually making things worse.
Sparky, but I can just picture it, and it's a funny picture when I'm outside of it . . .
I'm looking forward to the seder tonight, which will be my DH and I, indoor pants and grape juice.
-t (or anyone) have you ever tried to make matzoh? Homemade is rumored to be so much better but it's hard to imagine because of the limitations.
~ma to Teddy.
I got some sleep last night, after not sleeping more than three hours the night before, and I feel more awake this morning than I usually do.