Jilli, what a great article.
Franny and Isaac are such cuties.
Ah thanks, so is Em.
Em fell instantly asleep when we got into the car, she was so wiped. But when we got home, she told daddy all about her day on the bicycles and the cowboots.
Franny kept talking about "the little girl" and asking why she had to go home. I think she was a bit confused about Em's name, what with it being a letter and all.
Three weeks until I'm not in this job. Three weeks until I'm not in this job. Three weeks until I'm not in this job. Three weeks until I'm not in this job.
Gods give me strength.
Further to "The Lighter Side of Goth", the article is very prominent on page 2 (inside cover, since the Sun is a tabloid) and Jilli's picture looks great.
Dear Ex-Boss,
I know that you do not owe me severance pay - at least, legally. Ethically and morally, that's a whole other thing. You fired me over the phone, through my husband, 2500 miles away. Honestly, I know that asking for it i a stretch.
But ya know? You could stop being an asshat and at least tell me to go piss up a rope.
getting the silent treatment, Aims?
Jilli, that's an awesome article!
billytea, I hope the time passes quickly.
Dear Aimee's ex-boss,
A "yea" or "nay" will suffice. Asshattery is NOT required.
Just so ya know,
I bought this bear for Owen but I'm thinking I should have also got it in pink--he's fascinated by pink at the moment. I also got what I call the Jilli-Goth-Mix at M&M world in Times Square. A pound of pink and black M&M's.
No response to my email, so I refaxed it this morning.
Still nothing.
I'm choosing to believe he's trying to pull it from somewhere.
I bought this bear for Owen but I'm thinking I should have also got it in pink--he's fascinated by pink at the moment
Gloomy bear!!!!
younger niece loves Gloomy bear
as does older niece
Aimee, good for you for sending a follow up fax. You deserve the severence, but, even if you don't get it, your are definitely owed the respect of a response.
(sends Paulie Walnuts to talk to ex-boss about courtesy)
Wish I could really do that. You'd get your money. And probably a nice bouquet.