Jilli, that's an awesome article!
billytea, I hope the time passes quickly.
Dear Aimee's ex-boss,
A "yea" or "nay" will suffice. Asshattery is NOT required.
Just so ya know,
I bought this bear for Owen but I'm thinking I should have also got it in pink--he's fascinated by pink at the moment. I also got what I call the Jilli-Goth-Mix at M&M world in Times Square. A pound of pink and black M&M's.
No response to my email, so I refaxed it this morning.
Still nothing.
I'm choosing to believe he's trying to pull it from somewhere.
I bought this bear for Owen but I'm thinking I should have also got it in pink--he's fascinated by pink at the moment
Gloomy bear!!!!
younger niece loves Gloomy bear
as does older niece
Aimee, good for you for sending a follow up fax. You deserve the severence, but, even if you don't get it, your are definitely owed the respect of a response.
(sends Paulie Walnuts to talk to ex-boss about courtesy)
Wish I could really do that. You'd get your money. And probably a nice bouquet.
and possibly his head ...
Cool article, Jilli!
Aimee, I'm sorry the exboss is being such a jerk. Sounds like you're well out of that place.
lisah, those pictures are so cute! Where did they get those bear paws? Wishing I had some grandkids right about now, then I could get to play with some, too.
IOmeN, even though my "week" off started on Saturday, the weekend was a bust. (I tried buying interview clothes only to find out 14s are way too big and 12s are just a little small, sigh.) So, starting today I made a list of things which must get done this week. And, I have accomplished things! Not everything on my to do list, but it's a good start. The hardest thing for me is just to get started. Once I do start I'll usually keep going, which is what I did today. Not soon enough, but I'm still satisfied. Go me!
Sail! I thought of you the other day - I was on my lunchtime walk and ended up near the Navy Memorial!
Aimee, sorry your ex boss sucks.
Aimée, I'm sorry your ex-boss lacks the grace and the balls to pick up the damn phone and say, "I got your request, and I can/can't do something for you." Coward!
Tonight we're going to a seder and all I really want to do is curl up on the couch in my indoor pants and not talk to anyone. Aren't you all glad I won't be your dinner guest tonight? Perhaps my mood will improve with the application of wine.