My 16-year-old cousin gave me two pairs of Christmas toe socks. I have a similar ambivalence towards them. But candles? Cass and I share the candle love. She totally has me beat in numbers, though. I think I only have...hmm, probably 20 or so tealights and other candles in the living room.
Mine is an exciting life.
I really want hot chocolate now. Instead, I had leftover Indian food. ND, evil roommate, and other roommate are watching Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter.
Here is the plot summary...just because it must be shared:
The first testament says "an eye for an eye." The second testament says "love thy neighbour." The third testament KICKS ASS! The filmmaking team that brought you Harry Knuckles and won the "Spirit of Slamdance" prize with Harry Knuckles and the Treasure of the Aztec Mummy ups the ante with this tale of the ultimate action hero: Jesus Christ. The second coming is upon us, and Jesus has returned to earth. But before he can get down to the serious business of judging the living and the dead, he has to contend with an army of vampires that can walk in the daylight. Combining kung-fu action with biblical prophecy and a liberal dose of humour, the film teams the Savior with Mexican wrestling hero El Santos against mythological horrors and science gone mad, and also manages to address contemporary sexual politics. And did we mention that it's a musical? This sure ain't Sunday School.
Terrifyingly bad. I mean. Wow.
I don't know why I remember all this.
Because you have to have something to take up the space for things you'd actually like to remember.
Daisy Jane once sent me a lovely pair of Monkey Toe Socks.
I loved them and wore them to death.
Literally. The funeral was today. They came apart in the dryer, and I had to admit that there was no coming back from this one, not this time.
They were, however, great. And they shall be missed.
Hil had a brownie mix once that claimed to make 13 servings. We spent a good bit of an afternoon - well, the mathier among us did - attempting in vain to find any possible way to do that.
Pie chart! Pie!
(I want pie)
But candles? Cass and I share the candle love. She totally has me beat in numbers, though. I think I only have...hmm, probably 20 or so tealights and other candles in the living room.
Our luv is
sooo pur legendary.
And I got rid of so many holders before I moved too. Well more than half, actually. Which kinda scares me.
There is one 15-tealight candelabra stand that is new though. I love it.
This is why I can buy 1700+ candles (1500 were tealights) and really not think it is excessive.
I stand in awe.
ETA: Actually, I recline in awe.
If I didn't fear a conflagration, I'd have more candles. I have 15 or so in my living room, 6 or 7 in the bathroom, and I just can't think of putting them in my bedroom. Like I don't hang pictures in there. Not quite sure why.
Cass, did you hang candles over the bed again? I thought that was SO very cool in your old place in SD.
Actually, I recline in awe.
I fear no power outage.
So long as the laptop is charged.
YAY meeting Sparky! Her apartment is adorably cute and very nicely located. Much like Sparky, now that's she's nicely located in DC! :) (And thank you for the compliment, I am smiling and blushing here in my living room)
I can't believe Vortex and Erin haven't met! What a travesty! They totally need to meet.
Also, YAY pictures from David! Cause I was totally googling people earlier today at work, and saving and printing out pictures, trying to decide if I really felt ready to chop off all the hair. So I am looking at all those, and contemplating. I'm thinking I might go for the much-shorter-but-not-truly-short cut this time, and just plan to go all-out next time I get it cut.
Of course, as soon as I decided a day or two ago that I really needed more than a trim, since then my hair is totally behaving and looking nice. Not fair!
Cass's candle use per week > Ginger's candle use per lifetime