No guilt Sail, they suck. Yay for taking a sanity week off!
Happy Birthday to libkitty!
{{Erin}} My boys pout because I "always take the teacher's side." I tell them that's what my mom did and that's what they will do too when they are parents. My friends that work in the Boca Raton schools here tell horror stories of the parents marching in with lawyers every time that the school dares to try and discipline their poor babies. Parents needs to be smacked.
Happy Birthday, libkitty!
Sorry I got all caught up in the meme for a moment. I hope you had a fun and fabulous fortieth brithday day!
Happy birthday, Kitty of Lib! I hope this whole coming decade is your best ever!
Here's to a week of sanity, Sail.
Oh, and they're making me wear safety glasses at work, now.
Will they pay for prescription safety glasses?
A baseball Cinderella story [link]
Will they pay for prescription safety glasses?
They did. Only I made the mistake of getting bifocals instead of trifocals. I've got to take them back and have them put the trifocals in, I can not live without them as I found out the hard way.
Skipping, to bitch. I am in pain, due to being on my feet for nine hours at work. Today I was scheduled to work 6 hours. The group home I worked at yesterday and today has an outbreak of head lice. So, we all had to come in early, de-louse ourselves with nasty chemicals, and spent the whole day chasing around bagging things, washing 40 brazillion loads of laundry, and spraying, and spraying, and spraying loads of toxic chemicals everywhere until our airways are feeling all peppery, then vacuuming everything I could think of. Mind you, when I got the call, I checked the website for info.
[link] The info I saw there said fuddigabout the nasty sprays and just vacuum. Nobody there wanted to believe about that, after all, they had called the 1-800 number on the Rid can, and they said spray, spray, bag, and spray some more.
Because you know they wouldn't have any reason to have recurring infestations to keep the marks customers coming back.
Damn, Andi, that sucks. The big thing is to throw out any combs/brushes and do the bedding, that's about it. Heavens knows it was a persistent problem in boot camp, but it didn't take that much to get rid of it.