Cereal: While I'm in LA next week, I got a hair appointment at Kristin and Aimee's fabulous hairdresser. So now I need IDEAS! (Hint hint, Hec)...
I'm willing to go mad short or whatever, because much as I'm enjoying my recent ability to put it in a ponytail (which I"d not been able to do in a long time), it looks like crap and I never do anything with it OTHER than put it in a ponytail or leave it hanging down.
Caveats for hairstyle, Hec: my hair is wavy/curly when long, but only wavy/frizzy when shorter than about 5" long. And, not being a morning person, I'm SO not willing ot do anything that requires actual effort to look decent.
Suggest things!!
Recent, somewhat decent pictures of me, though I tend to have more extra chin than those, which I hate.
"No, I don't like it."
Too. cute. At least she didn't like it rather than you. I'd blame it all on the story.
However, I told the kids that my cat didn't seem to like the story very much , because he left half way through the story. But I was sure they would like it better than he did. Three pages in , one little girl says "No, I don't like it."
Awwwwwwww. That's cute. Especially because I am only hearing about it. Cute!
My cats are watching Birdie TV. If a squirrel goes by, it's like sweeps week!
Hee. Cass, when I watched Winged Migration, my kitties went just craxy. They've never noticed the tv before, except occasionally Rocky looks behind the tv when he hears a baby crying, but they had never noticed the screen. Rapt.
Brain is fried. Have spent 4 hours so far on my Accounting final. I'm not even half way through it. I still have a paper to write and reading to do for the 2 classes that start on Tuesday.
Send distractions. Please.
remember the air holes, please.
Well, one alive cat plus one dead cat divided by a psycho dog would increase my liabilities when I'd rather increase my assets. My profit margin would decline...
Stop me, somebody, please. Emergency dress-up or something.
I am LOVING LOVING Pink's new song "U and Ur Hand", and highly recommend it to any of the Bitches out there who want to angrily scream along to a song and bounce up and down.
Keep your drink
Just give me the money
Just you and your hand tonight