Well, it sounds like today was down to normal annoyances for people. An improvement.
My story today:
I read my first story at storytime. It went really well. However, I told the kids that my cat didn't seem to like the story very much , because he left half way through the story. But I was sure they would like it better than he did. Three pages in , one little girl says "No, I don't like it."
OK, before some catching up, I must share, that although I HATE songs that spell things like IMspeak, I am LOVING LOVING Pink's new song "U and Ur Hand", and highly recommend it to any of the Bitches out there who want to angrily scream along to a song and bounce up and down.
AmyLiz, damn, that sucks a lot! WTF? Hacked bank account is VERY scary!! I mean, yay that they seem to be promising to put the money back, but STILL!
Congratulations SA!! Two universities! Go you!
OMG, poor Kat and babies. Eep. Glad to hear they seem to be doing OK though, but...so tiny! So soon!
Hugs to Raquel, and how fucked up is it that I thought "Hmm, well, at least a parasite like that would cause me to lose some weight..."
What IS it with Buffistas getting laid off this month?? Hugs to Nutty and Theodosia too! (Hey, at least I should probably have a job until May at least...then we'll see!) Yay severance and unemployment at least!
Yay a job for Raq! That's a good thing! OK, March, you get one good mark. You've still got a ways to go before the end of the month in a couple days!
Ooh, I like Plei's new hair! And she looks so thin! And I love the color!
sometimes I feel like I need to be more bold with my makeup
Me too. I mean, I appreciate when a friend once told me I always look "elegant", but I feel like I could break out of my "let's not get too crazy" rut sometimes. And then I wear black eyeliner instead of brown. It's crrrrrazy! (But I always think with blue eyes and fair skin I can't pull off teh smoky eye well)
Ooh, Vortex WOULD look great with liquid gold eyeliner!
Cereal: While I'm in LA next week, I got a hair appointment at Kristin and Aimee's fabulous hairdresser. So now I need IDEAS! (Hint hint, Hec)...
I'm willing to go mad short or whatever, because much as I'm enjoying my recent ability to put it in a ponytail (which I"d not been able to do in a long time), it looks like crap and I never do anything with it OTHER than put it in a ponytail or leave it hanging down.
Caveats for hairstyle, Hec: my hair is wavy/curly when long, but only wavy/frizzy when shorter than about 5" long. And, not being a morning person, I'm SO not willing ot do anything that requires actual effort to look decent.
Suggest things!!
Recent, somewhat decent pictures of me, though I tend to have more extra chin than those, which I hate.
"No, I don't like it."
Too. cute. At least she didn't like it rather than you. I'd blame it all on the story.
However, I told the kids that my cat didn't seem to like the story very much , because he left half way through the story. But I was sure they would like it better than he did. Three pages in , one little girl says "No, I don't like it."
Awwwwwwww. That's cute. Especially because I am only hearing about it. Cute!
My cats are watching Birdie TV. If a squirrel goes by, it's like sweeps week!
Hee. Cass, when I watched Winged Migration, my kitties went just craxy. They've never noticed the tv before, except occasionally Rocky looks behind the tv when he hears a baby crying, but they had never noticed the screen. Rapt.
Brain is fried. Have spent 4 hours so far on my Accounting final. I'm not even half way through it. I still have a paper to write and reading to do for the 2 classes that start on Tuesday.
Send distractions. Please.
remember the air holes, please.