Okay! No more hair+fire! Promise.
plei, your hair is wonderful. I'm glad you got a good cut.
jilli, your pictures are amazing!
fay, I really am not sure which direction its going to go. but I feel it will involve much deliberation. also, you owe me an email.
Pah! It's not even tea time yet! ...er, in Bangkok.
What? I can live on Bangkok time if I want.
::stamps feet::
Well, there's a reason that I'm self-proclaimed Captain of the Good (Pirate) ship HMS Jeeves. And Jilli is no small part of it.
It's a really good 'ship.
Okay! No more hair+fire! Promise.
Because? Hair pretty.
And fire really pretty!
But fire + hair are not mixy. At all.
I will admit, Cass, that's its quite fun to wander around the office today saying cheekily, "Well, last night I set myself on fire..."
Also, CASS PRETTY. That picture of you was astonishingly gorgeous.
'Morning, Bitches!
I would give up jeans and yoga pants forever if Jilli made me up every day.
I'm so jealous of the Bitches out there who rock the make-up. I hear it discussed here all the time and it makes me sad. I would totally love the glamour face. I suspect part of my problem is that I'm lazy, but I love hearing Plei (and everyone else) describe their make-up. I wear a touch of brown eyeshadow, brown eyeliner, and maybe lipstick. I totally need a Bitch Makeover.
My desire for makeup has killed the thread.
My desire for makeup has killed the thread.
I think it was all of us clicking over to Aromaleigh to look at makeup. At least, that's where I've been.
So, at my housewarming brunch on Sunday there will be a family friend there I haven't seen for nearly 20 years!
I try makeup maybe once a year. It just doesn't work for me. Just last night a GF tried to talk me into getting eyelashes applied with her on Saturday. I agreed to go watch.
Makeup and hot humid climates do not go together. I need to rinse my face often and don't want anything on it.
I don't think it's remotely possible for a Bitch's desire for makeup to kill this thread. Unpossible. Can't be done.
runs away home.