I try makeup maybe once a year. It just doesn't work for me. Just last night a GF tried to talk me into getting eyelashes applied with her on Saturday. I agreed to go watch.
Makeup and hot humid climates do not go together. I need to rinse my face often and don't want anything on it.
I don't think it's remotely possible for a Bitch's desire for makeup to kill this thread. Unpossible. Can't be done.
runs away home.
I am slain by the utter HAWTNESS of newly shorn and gothified gloriousness of the bitches.
Emeline kills me. Every time we see our kids do something like this our response is: "Guess we don't need that DNA test after all."
I have laundry to do today. And packing.
It's my Aromaleigh mineral shadow in Swoon (charcoal with pink shimmer) with a dusting of Urban Decay Oil Slick over it and a double application of some random Rimmel black mascara.
To me, this says, "Here, a miracle occurred." My main goal with makeup is to ensure that no one thinks I'm actually dead.
Plei looks wonderful. The Jilli and Cass picture is blinding in its awesomeness. Emeline is the cutest baby bitch ever, unless it's Lily.
We are in the midst of setting pollen records, reinforcing my belief that I never want to be involved in a weather record of any kind. I'm full of antihistamines, but I still feel like crap. In cheerier news, I did just see a robin who thought that a bit of root sticking out of the ground would be great nesting material. There was a ferocious tug of war. The robin lost.
Oh, the poor robin.
I have laundry to do today. And packing.
Packing! YAY! Does it help motivate you to do the laundry? Are you going to be dancing out the door, tomorrow night?
Packing! YAY! Does it help motivate you to do the laundry? Are you going to be dancing out the door, tomorrow night?
Sadly, I'm lacking motivation and being distracted. Owen just asked me to make his pet giraffe some toast and jam. And I'm futzing around online trying to get music together for the plane trip. Olivia's watching Blues Clues and clapping with Steve.
I should probably focus or something, yeah?
Wash your own clothes, first. It'll motivate you -- and you can put them right into your suitcase.
I am a packing procrastinator. I always pack at the last moment, fail to plan what I'm bringing, and always pack extra to make up for it. It's weird because I plan way too much in most other areas of my life.
So many pretty pictures to wake up to this morning
Emeline is adorable in her princess outfit!
Jilli and Cass looked gorgeous at the Vampire Ball!
I love your new cut, Plei!
I need to break this 10 AM wake up thing. I keep saying just a few more minutes when Dave leaves for work, and I inevitably wake up around 10.