From a neat surgical slice right around the bikini line!
Ded of Princess Cute.
New hair: [link]
Of course, five minutes later, I discovered the Way I Will Wear It! which is slightly different, but you get the general idea. Plz ignore basement. And general stoned look. This camera is harder to get good self-portraits from. (The previous one, I could rotate the monitor, which allowed me to frame and stage things better. This one, I kind of guess.)
Plei = HAWT.
The picture right before of the wee bairn = mortally cute.
Plei is teh HOTT.
I endorse these rampant misspellings.
Plei? HOTT! I love the hair. How shall you style it differently?
Is that the new eyeliner too? Because it is really just perfect. I am thinking I need to beg some fabulous boy at Sephora to find me something so perfect.
From a neat surgical slice right around the bikini line!
Tummy to outside, no waiting. Except, you know, there was a lot of waiting and wringing of 'fista hands waiting for the wee princess.
Also the color is shiny and new!
That cut does look fantastic. And the cuteness of the Lilybean prompted me to add you as a Flikr friend!
I'm so sorry about the job losses today. As you can see from my tag, I know the scenario all too well. I hope the severances were very hefty.
I am very excited about the new babies! And as everyone else has already covered, here's to them gettin' nice and plump and out of the hospital soon.
Plei is most toasty with the new hair.