That cut does look fantastic. And the cuteness of the Lilybean prompted me to add you as a Flikr friend!
I'm so sorry about the job losses today. As you can see from my tag, I know the scenario all too well. I hope the severances were very hefty.
I am very excited about the new babies! And as everyone else has already covered, here's to them gettin' nice and plump and out of the hospital soon.
Plei is most toasty with the new hair.
Thanks, all. SO much better than the Disaster That Was Yesterday's Hair.
Plei? HOTT! I love the hair. How shall you style it differently?
Bangs swept to the side, length tucked behind the ears, part at an angle and mostly hidden by hair.
Discovered this variation while brushing it.
Is that the new eyeliner too? Because it is really just perfect. I am thinking I need to beg some fabulous boy at Sephora to find me something so perfect.
It's not! It's my Aromaleigh mineral shadow in Swoon (charcoal with pink shimmer) with a dusting of Urban Decay Oil Slick over it and a double application of some random Rimmel black mascara.
But for daily use, it'll be that Lorac, which is pretty much My Freckles, Concentrated in Stick Form.
SON OF A BITCH. Just got home from dinner with friends. Was having too much fun to notice that
I bled all over the crotch of my grey pants
It's a rayon/poly blend. Can I rinse it?
Def. In cold water (says the girl who
bled all over herself while out walking dogs a bit ago
I think for my future makeup needs I am coming to Seattle. Between you and Jilli, I would be set.
As it is I need to go pick up the DiorShow mascara because it is fabulous like whoa. And topcoat of doom because I polished my nails and, especially with my new rings, I am loving having dark, pretty nails on my hands. Oh, and the nail polish because it is just different enough from all of the other bloody red nail polishes I have. And order more foundation from Alima.
I should live in Seattle.
Rayon/poly will rinse and wash out really well in my experience. Thankfully.
Hee. But you're in Portland! You have Powells!
Vortex, what DJ said. Rinse, rinse, and rinse again.
Also, do you have any Nature's Miracle or Bio-Kleen Bac-Out?
Those enzyme cleaner things are the shit for getting out stains like that.
And there is the point that I can visit.
Powell's is love. And, frankly, more expensive than makeup overall but boooooooks.
whew! I love these pants. they're part of a natty grey pinstriped suit. I wasn't looking forward to pointing out the stain to my very nice male dry cleaner.
Also, do you have any Nature's Miracle or Bio-Kleen Bac-Out?
does oxy clean work?