the snotty entitled people, the fundies, and the Plano people,
Those are the scary people. The other people you listed are my kind of people.
I'm dreading packing for the trip. No idea what I'll want to bring vs. what I'll have to bring.
Layers, baby. Layers. Also, you're probably a couple sizes smaller than me, but you can borrow any of my stuff. It's a long tradition, borrowing my stuff to go rampaging.
Actually, I want someone to just plain help me find a style.
When we goin' shoppin', then? And thank you, sweetheart.
When we goin' shoppin', then?
Uhhmmm, when I find a sugar daddy?!?
Want to go play dress-up right now
I totally agree. So. Much. Fun.
And cats like petticoats. Puppycat thinks Jilli is the best thing ever - shoes with ribbons, lots of black for her to rub against and purses. And she plays "Oops, I falled down!" too.
It's a long tradition, borrowing my stuff to go rampaging.
juliana, I love your post-Joshua Tree hair...rrrowrrr.
Where's post JT hair?
Uhhmmm, when I find a sugar daddy?!?
Here - a whole pack of them.
I'm probably an eight (though after my intestinal difficulties last night I may have gone down to a six.)
I'm usually either so cold I can't stand it or warm enough to wear t shirts and skirts. I'm dying to bring my anniversary outfit [link] because I have this romantic ideal of wandering down the street with the wind blowing, but then I'm also the girl with a constant soundtrack in my head, so....
Oh. Hey! Could you use some jeans? I have a few pair that are a little big for me. Good condition and good brands, and they're good fits. I hung onto them for a while, but I think I've kinda hit the upper end of my size now.
Where's post JT hair?
No digital camera. Woe. But it's much like the wedding hair.
DJ, I probably couldn't fit into your jeans - I'm a 12-14. But thank you. I actually probably have a top that will look smokin' on you, though.
Suzi, we just need to go thrifting in the Mission, then.
Whee! New clothes! New clothes! New clothes! (even if they aren't mine).
::does Cordy's new clothes dance::
Suzi - did you have to take Environmental Science? SCI 275?
But it's much like the wedding hair.
In which case it is fabulous. But then, I am generally of the opinion that your hair is fabulous, so that's unsurprising.